New Collection Event Date Leaked + Nerfs And Buffs Season 11

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New Collection Event Date Leaked + Nerfs And Buffs Season 11

Hello everyone some mad content here, enkoy!

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33 thoughts on “New Collection Event Date Leaked + Nerfs And Buffs Season 11”

  1. i think ash being able to see death boxes on the mini map is a little much. Just remove that and then buff the speed that her tactical moves at a little bit.

  2. Finally someone with a good take on Ash. People complain about the character before even figuring out what she brings to the table because they don't want to adapt. Might as well just drop the game if you don't want the meta to evolve in any kind of way

  3. Buff crypto so emp is the size of the map and one shots all enemies hit. But seriously he just needs a passive like he can't be scanned/ seen of digi threat. Or like he is always scanning behind him. And the ult when drone is not deployed it acts like a grenade like in his trailer

  4. Hey Garret, what would you think about making all of the legends OP. That way nobody can complain because everyone has fun with their main and there is no "meta" forcing you to play a specific character to have a higher win rate or just have fun

  5. Ash 100% needs some sort of nerf. Her passive gives her map-wide info, her tactical isn't OP, but it sure as hell is boring and oppressive, and her ult is nowhere near loud enough (just a little better than old Jump Pad)

    Edit: People who are saying that Ash needs a fucking BUFF clearly don't play the video game they're talking about

  6. Ash doesn’t need a nerf. Imo counters to her abilities are pretty obvious at this point. I think wraith needs a slight buff to her q. It should either go back to launch where it was instant or at the very least it shouldn’t slow you down when you’re waiting for it to initiate.

  7. Wattsons buff does not justify her hitbox nerf!
    Look at every other legend that got a “major buff” their pick rate shoots up yet wattsons pick rate goes up barely 1%… why you may ask? Well for the fact they broke her fences and actually made her worse to play on the day of her major buff doesn’t help. Her kit takes skill and time/planning not a tap of a button like pretty much every other legend. She has no mobility and seeing as there’s been a lot of movement legends added to the game just makes her kit even worse with every movement legend they add as they can easily counter her fences. Respawn please give her an actual major buff to make her strong!

  8. hopefully they don't pull another shadow fall and release the mirage train mode in the last week of the year 🤬 please let it be the full few weeks and add more good badges


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