New Festivals in 1.5 & 1.6 | Why We get Events instead of Permanent Content Genshin Impact Theory

Old Hoyolab article –
0:00 – Intro
0:44 – Why we get Events instead of big Regions
5:01 – The Chasm
7:50 1.5 & 1.6 Festivals

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50 thoughts on “New Festivals in 1.5 & 1.6 | Why We get Events instead of Permanent Content Genshin Impact Theory”

  1. When all of Genshin’s advertisements brag about open world with 7 nations to explore blah blah blah but content release is limited by mobile…..? so what were they thinking? Were they planning on only releasing a new area once even mobile players on potato phones upgraded to something more op in like 10 years? Like it makes sense but it’s confusing coz they knew they were making a mobile game the whole time so why decide on something so ambitious like open world with a bunch of nations to explore and open up to most platforms?

  2. Im guessing if this is the case after a couple years we'll see more permanent content since phones now are getting much better especially the budget, like the poco x3 pro exists now lol

  3. They're gonna have to launch new regions some time or another right? (I hope)
    So space is eventually going to be an issue for mobile players.
    Don't see why they can't just add new regions now rather than postponing it.

  4. I don't think phone storage is the problem here. Many mobile games out there got very good permanent system and not too much storage required. For Genshin it's different story. Only main game already required a huge data, so a Permanent Content system base on that will not a big problem

  5. While I don't mind them adding permanent content to the game, I just want to remind players that events — festivals in particular — come and go. Just like in real life, events don't last forever and usually happen annually. I've only played one Gacha game thoroughly (FGO) but most of the time developers save the files for the events and re-implement them a year later. It's great to see them leaving players with a souvenir (the lyre) that can be played anytime at least.

  6. Permanent content may be limited because of the resin issue too. People are already complaining about lack of resin. Imagine if they have to start choosing what boss they fight because of lack of resin.

  7. and here i thought they just made none permant content to try to keep players playing by making them think "oh well if i dont play this event i wont be able to again"

  8. An easy fix for the mobile file space thingy is they could just made them choose the region they want to have unlocked and then make them download it. If they want to complete a new one, they could just download the one they want (and remove any region they want). The developers would need to make it so some files do not get removed and whatnot so mobile players can do dungeons, etc. Not a full idea but i feel MiHoYo could go through that route and fix it so the game and its lore keeps going!

  9. Leaks says in 1.5 there will be zongli banner rerun so whoever wants him save for him and ya thats what leaks say it not confirm OK so it's ur choice and whoever is reading stay safe

  10. The alternative solution is to create separate app on android.
    Genshin impact Part 2 which consist different part main content, so if want explore different area or quest, then player can use part2 app.

  11. Yeah, I had given feedback about this previously and was hoping there's improvement. I was asking if they could compress the sizing which probably means re – coding the whole thing and redesign the infra. They are probably pushing back the date for Inazuma to "try" making it possible to be handled by mobile. Right now, a lot of people's phone are dying while processing the whole visual. A bit hard.

  12. There's also the fact the the developers said they're not satisfied with how the Japanese elements turned out, because it's way harder to capture the essence of another culture. It's only going to get worse when we get to regions such as Egypt.

  13. People saying that most phones nowadays have 128gb ram are just tone deaf, most popular mobile games are able to run on 32gb storage since they don't even go 5gb on the highest settings. Genshin is much bigger than many of the popular mobile games and require more processing power. If mobile players which constitute a lot of players can't play the game, then this makes genshin basically a pc/ps4 game. Especially if they'll launch the game in switch, it wouldn't make sense for the game size to get bigger and bigger.

  14. If we're expecting all 5 regions to come we'll be forced to wait 5 or more years at best. Content will be so slow because of this, so I really think we shouldn't expect actual permanent shit until they increase hardware requirement on mobile to run the game (and no, it's not just the goddamn storage. Don't bring up the argument that the game will be fine with all the regions, my storage still has a lot of space so why is the optimization shit as fuck and force me to use lowest settings? The problem and argument isn't storage, it's optimization.)
    Genshin will either abandon Mobile Players to add expandable content, or higher the restriction/required software to download the game on Play Store. It's just inevitable, and it's quite obvious mobile players are holding PC players off because of this—so no offense, but this game is a literal big massive BoTW fat chunks of GBs worth of content, and the time where a game THAT big will be on mobile is soon but it's not now. There's already too many glitches and crashes on phones, but let's admit a lot of phones they allow to download the game still can't run it that remotely smooth.

    What I'm saying is that you guys gotta know it's way too early, the phones of this generation probably won't be able to handle Chasm let alone Inazuma—it's designed as a PC game, yet it's mostly targeted as a mobile game, so there's definitely a distinction there: what is Mihoyo aiming? Because this game isn't your typical gacha game on ONLY mobile, and it crossplays too, so don't go assuming it's mobile game first PC and consoles second because that's already a heavy burden.

  15. The "moonchase" fesitival is likely related to the mid summer festival/mooncake festival in China. Its going to be held in late september this year. Yaoyao will probably be featured (or given for free) since there is an official art with Yaoyao and Qiqi eating mooncakes.
    (also a little fun fact, during the moon festival people usually drink cassia wine or in other words osmanthus wine..and know what that means )

  16. Likely for the future, these Monstadt and Liyue events will repeat forever.
    – while in the future also adding 'stuff' for other parts of the map.

    Having events hashed out early, ensures easy 'reusable' and shifting gameplay, while allocating ressources to make new areas, and events for new areas.

  17. Spoiler: In 1.7, the Unknon Goddess will destroy Mondstadt and Liyue … and so they will be gone forever, and will leave Inazuma and new region will open 🙂 i.e. data storage replacement, lol 😛

  18. Ah yes, so many top tier game designers, programmers, voice actors, VFX designers, model designers, SFX designers and musicians that can make a region as big as Liyue every month. Seriously people, they are working on the Chasm and Inazuma, while providing these events every month. The amount of work is huge. Shut up and stop complaining about everything.

  19. The future isn't looking so good :/
    While it's unfortunate for mobile players, I feel like mihoyo should maybe give up on that platform
    It's not even working properly anyways, you can barely play the game on mobile

  20. they could try to do something on mobile like "If you want to go to Inazuma, the Mondstadt area will be deleted from your phone to make space for Inazuma. If you want to go back, Inazuma will be deleted and Mondstadt data will be downloaded again." so you can switch between areas depending on where you want to be, and it would delete unused areas on mobiles with limited space.

  21. This question is being made from complete ignorance so please bare with me: every time there is an event (basically, every time a new patch is announced) we have to download data. I'm guessing a lot of it is related to that patch's event. So.. when the next patch comes and the previous event has passed, what happens with that data? Does it turn into useless files that take space and will not be used anymore? Are they replaced by the next patch's files?


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