*NEW* KINGS CANYON IS BACK and AWESOME! – NEW Apex Legends Funny & Epic Moments #539

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Apex Legends Funny Moments Montage: *NEW* KINGS CANYON IS BACK and AWESOME! – NEW Apex Legends Funny & Epic Moments #539

Submit Your Clips! ➥ https://forms.gle/NtM7L6gbHqCWefW98


We Hope You Enjoy This Apex Legends Moments Video, Featuring the Best Apex Legends Funny Moments, Apex Legends Epic Moments, Apex Legends WTF Moments, Apex Legends Highlights, Apex Legends Fails, Apex Legends Glitches, Apex Legends Trolls, and More in this Apex Legends Montage! You Can Also Find Highlights of Apex Legends 10 IQ and Apex Legends 300 IQ Plays, plus Funny Moments & Glitches & Fails in this Apex Legends Highlights Montage!

➥ Apex Legends Moments Video Sources:
LovelessChimp Gaming Youtube
F1DD3 Twitch
El_coje_tuhija Gamer Tag
TurdNerdPoo Gamer Tag
Panther2200 Gamer Tag
ryanperezcastaneda Instagram
Mohammed89 Youtube
Aizydesignz Youtube
MLGLysdexio Gamer Tag
Laffterone Gamer Tag
Rs minecraft865 Gamer Tag
Meshkii Youtube
RockstarC22 Gamer Tag
dual_kgaim2 Gamer Tag
Navelow Twitch
xVyperTTv Twitch
Ravioli.exe Gamer Tag
KralRindo reddit
ottrboii reddit
Imm3nSe_HaTr3dXx reddit
Wafflelord6969 reddit
AleFallas reddit
TheJustaNoob reddit
CoolGuyZ135 reddit
ArcticHD reddit
Grayman3499 reddit
AYR4Z reddit
soupsmasher reddit
stellaren_ reddit
Revydence reddit
MrVaporeon reddit
V7jac reddit
DexNumber392 reddit

Z6 Pvmy Youtube
Joker47jk twitch
KeepMeCrisp reddit
Snoo_53145 reddit
➥ Apex Legends Moments Music Sources:

✔ Apex Legends Video Credits:
● Published By: Jeremy – Gaming Curios
● Produced By: Jeremy – Gaming Curios
● Edited By:

➥ DISCLAIMER: Every clip used in this video that was not recorded ourselves, we obtained permission for, and is also considered fair use, and we provide source & credit for all footage – you can find the links to all original sources & music in the rest of the description. If someone submitted a clip on your behalf pretending to have rights to it, please send us a message or email!

We obtain clips from our viewers with full permission and rights to use them, and compile clips to fit under the guise of a compelling narrative via the use of interesting and exciting video concepts and themes for each individual video. We also add significant editing to make the work transformative from the original creations and fair use.

All of our videos contain significant original commentary in order to help make the videos more engaging and comply with the YPP Policies, which state that content must “provide significant original commentary” and “can include, but is not limited to, high-quality editing, adding commentary, or narrative.”


37 thoughts on “*NEW* KINGS CANYON IS BACK and AWESOME! – NEW Apex Legends Funny & Epic Moments #539”

  1. They really need to give you choice of map you want play in I personally hate Worlds edge but love KC and Olympus map but they take them off completely or for weeks and its just so dis-organized honestly

    Just like energy weapons being and have been since season 1 Over Powered they do really dumb stuff honestly


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