NEW MiHoYo Community Bias & Conflicts! Patch 1.5 Pre-Load Time! | Genshin Impact

In This Daily Genshin Impact News Digest:
1. New MiHoYo HI3 Community Conflict Explained
3 Main Genshin Community Points
2. Official Community Survey
3. Patch 1.5 Pre-Download Time
4. Community Feature Suggestions
5. Fun Community Posts

The New Community Survey Post:
The Pre-Download Official Post:

Relates Resources For This Video:
Fun Community Posts:

Thanks & Credits to: u/OneAct8, u/Amped-Up-Archos, u/Orodalf, u/XeRoXayuki, u/blackflaggnz, u/ji0na, u/LEV1L, u/MikeTheScientist, u/monil1998 On Reddit

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Time Stamp
0:00 Intro
0:12 Guide Overview
1:42 New MiHoYo HI3 Community Conflict Explained
3:31 3 Main Genshin Community Points
10:21 Official Community Survey
10:49 Patch 1.5 Pre-Download Time
11:53 Community Feature Suggestions
13:26 Fun Community Posts

Useful Videos
MASSIVE 1.4 Hidden DMG Nerf Explained! 7 ★★★★★ Weapons!
LIVE Rosaria Wish & Builds Testing! 12,000 x 5 DMG! Constellation 0!
100% Critical Rate Rosaria Assassin Builds! NEW ★★★★ Cryo Guide!
NEW 1.5 ★★★★ Yanfei Details! BEST Builds! #1 Pyro Waifu!
NEW 1.5 ★★★★★ Weapon & Artifacts! Dainsleif Screenshots!
2 NEW 1.5 Artifact Sets & Effects! GET 2000+ Housing Materials!
Patch 1.5 Zhongli Re-Run & Banner ★★★★ Predictions! Chasm

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36 thoughts on “NEW MiHoYo Community Bias & Conflicts! Patch 1.5 Pre-Load Time! | Genshin Impact”

  1. In This Daily Genshin Impact News Digest:

    1. New MiHoYo HI3 Community Conflict Explained

    3 Main Genshin Community Points

    2. Official Community Survey

    3. Patch 1.5 Pre-Download Time

    4. Community Feature Suggestions

    5. Fun Community Posts

    The New Community Survey Post:

    The Pre-Download Official Post:

    Relates Resources For This Video:

    Fun Community Posts:

    Thanks & Credits to: u/OneAct8, u/Amped-Up-Archos, u/Orodalf, u/XeRoXayuki, u/blackflaggnz, u/ji0na, u/LEV1L, u/MikeTheScientist, u/monil1998 On Reddit

    Want to show extra support for Matt?

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    My Twitter (For Genshin Impact Related Info & News):

    Instagram (For More Personal Stories):

    Join us on Discord! For a lovely community!

    Time Stamp

    0:00 Intro

    0:12 Guide Overview

    1:42 New MiHoYo HI3 Community Conflict Explained

    3:31 3 Main Genshin Community Points

    10:21 Official Community Survey

    10:49 Patch 1.5 Pre-Download Time

    11:53 Community Feature Suggestions

    13:26 Fun Community Posts

    Useful Videos

    MASSIVE 1.4 Hidden DMG Nerf Explained! 7 ★★★★★ Weapons!

    LIVE Rosaria Wish & Builds Testing! 12,000 x 5 DMG! Constellation 0!

    100% Critical Rate Rosaria Assassin Builds! NEW ★★★★ Cryo Guide!

    NEW 1.5 ★★★★ Yanfei Details! BEST Builds! #1 Pyro Waifu!

    NEW 1.5 ★★★★★ Weapon & Artifacts! Dainsleif Screenshots!

    2 NEW 1.5 Artifact Sets & Effects! GET 2000+ Housing Materials!

    Patch 1.5 Zhongli Re-Run & Banner ★★★★ Predictions! Chasm

    *If you would like to support me in my passion to bring a brighter and more informative videos on Genshin Impact and would like to Donate and Support me Financially, please use my Twitch Donation Link!

    *I also have a Patreon Account if you want to support me this way!

    Our Twitch Live Stream Link:

    Please don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE!

  2. For the inconsistency of time zones it’s not a big issue the problem is when you realize big problems stem from small roots in other words a small problem may just lead to much bigger ones and it’s something to be worried about even with the time zones being different making it available for everyone at the same time would allow everyone to enjoy it together without having to avoid all the platforms they use

  3. If this happened on Genshin, I would be pissed. I want the same events for the global, just a delay in translation. I want same amount of compensation. We all eat the same rice and potatoes.

  4. Most of y’all are being unreasonable, did you even watch the video and know how mihoyo could possibly be shut down if the Chinese servers aren’t pleased (by reporting them to the government) ? Yes, the Chinese server was wrong in doing this for a celebration that wasn’t there but Mihoyo has to please them so they can continue making content for all. Just like the example of the kid complaining and/or wanting the birthday kids gifts, the parents try to make the kid happy so they don’t ruin the rest of the party for everyone and it continues on like everything else. That’s just how I see it, I just don’t think it’s Mihoyo’s fault for this.

  5. The time zone issue is a big problem with the web events as the NA server has consistently had web events that last 1 day less than the CN servers. This is strictly due to when these web events reset. Sometimes they reset when you do the web event, sometimes they reset at the GI Server reset time. If they reset on when you do the web event, NA is always a day late and you have 1 less day to complete the event. This normally isnt an issue when they give enough time for the web event, but i have had several web events that i have missed out on rewards as i was unable to complete it in time due to the stupid reset time and my timezone.

    As for the HI3 issue, Mihoyo really screwed up. Every GI player that might want to jump into this game while there is a content drought in GI will likely not mess with this game due to the completely unfair treatment that Mihoyo has done for global. HI3 has had multiple exclusive events on the CN server and this was going to be the Global's 1st exclusive event. IMO giving the CN server players a 10 pull while removing the event from global and only giving global players 2 pulls is a massive slap in the face. Mihoyo has to fix this and IMO the only way is to give global all of the exclusive CN rewards for free, give global the same apology pulls as CN and reinstate the exclusive global only event with the mention that after this global anniversary event any server anniversary event all servers will get the event and can take part in it and since there will be multiple anniversary events throughout the year due to multiple servers the rewards for these events will be greatly diminished from what they were. Honestly if i was in charge at Mihoyo i would shut the damn CN servers down for the duration of the global anniversary event and call it "unscheduled maintenance" for their playerbases piss poor bratty behavior.

  6. This thing about making event or itens exlcusive to a region is pretty dumb i dont really mind but there some player that really need to have all itens and is painful if the iten is on the game but you cant get just because of server exclusive thing …. now about the reward like crystal to roll for new charcters and stuff is annoying …… make the same amount to all or dont give anyone anything

  7. So when they get exclusive events we are like "damn, that looks nice. I hope they enjoy it", but when we get the exclusive event they throw a tantrum because if they can't get it no one should? What a bunch of babies.

  8. There are 3 worlds in Genshin community

    1st World – CN PC Players
    2nd World – EU/US PC + CN console players
    3rd World – All other Console players

    All these worlds pay exactly the same money to Mihoyo when/if they do but get treated differentially. Even F2Ps dedicate time (often thought as worthless).

    Is this frustrating? Maybe
    Does it cause discomfort? Maybe
    Is it wrong? Yes definitely

    A company launching a global product cant be so differential in their treatment especially when it isnt even a physical entity..its a software service..that is the easiest to standardize!
    Delayed rewards are not really rewards at all! Cz if Im falling short of 300 primos to wish a 5* but the same is available for a 1st or 2nd world player…its unjust.

    Honest business practice should ensure standardization or compensation

    Game release time disparity is the easiest to fix…launch everything at the same instant..not on the same hour on clock.

  9. Friendly reminder this isnt an excuse to generalize or be racist :/ but with that out of the way mihoyo has to know that if they pull the same shit w genshin its gonna have MAJOR repercussions this time around, considering it has a much, MUCH bigger playerbase globally.

  10. If this happens with genshin impact in future, mhy are going to get their a** kicked. Mhy only stalled the KFC wings, glb players aren't going to get any wings. Because by the time most of the players will forget about the wings

  11. If KFC event was global you will see much more number of infected people of covid. Imagine all genshin players going to the KFC and it cause the increasement of infected people and then all the world blaming China.

  12. 2:38 B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's —L—o—V—e—S—e-X———❤️😘 ..👍 Clickhere :

    !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1



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