New Monthly Resin Card & Upcoming Events | Genshin Impact News

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49 thoughts on “New Monthly Resin Card & Upcoming Events | Genshin Impact News”

  1. Those “solutions” are a joke. There shouldn’t be a cap to condensed resin in the first place and although 1 per set of commissions can add up that still doesn’t even begin to tackle the issue of resin being far too slow to regenerate.

    I’m not sure what mihoyo has against people wanting to play their game

  2. Ya know what? You earned a like n sub from me just for presenting a solution to the resin issue as far as f2p players rather than just complaining unlike so many others do when talking about resin

  3. NO ONE SHOULD BUY THIS CARD UNTILL THEY CHANGE THE AMOUNT FROM 40 TO 160 or at least 100 like it is in any other game with stamina/resin system that sell such packs: they either refill the full amount of the max stamina and stack it or give at least 100.
    especily WHALES SHOULD NOT buy it so that mihoyo will rethink and change the amount of resin they sell… plus they need to make condenced resin to have no limit. or at least expend that limit to hold 20.

    this resin card will only be worth its 5$ if the resin gets refilled by the full amount… all FREE GAMES THAT HVE STAMINS SYSTEM GIVE PLAYERS ON DAILY BASIS AROUND 100/200 STAMINA alongside stamina packs

  4. i'd say halve the cost of everything that uses resin except the weekly challenges and because the weekly shouldn't be lowered it should have a higher drop rate of rarer items. thoughts?

  5. its so dumb how they haven't even brought up the huge community concern about the resin and refresh time on it…. and this has been one of the most vocal issues the community has been on about….

  6. this comment section gives me so much hope that the playerbase wants the game to be better. spending months in the subreddit was just absolute torture, as no one cares about voicing a change for resin anymore and always bootlicking MHY in the name of profits… its so fucking toxic holy shit

  7. Just my personal opinion but
    It's hilarious that all of the Resin problems could be potentially fixed if:

    1. Either Remove few stats from certain artifact pieces so it won't requires as much RnG = potentially less Resin use overall in the long run OR increase the odds of dropping for some Ascension materials (mainly weapons)

    2. Increase the rewards from the leyline blossom accordingly to the player WL especially above WL5 (60k mora at WL 7, 1~3 purple books at WL7? Are you fuck*ng serious?)

    While Leyline isn't as mandatory thanks to events.
    Artifacts & Ascension mats are what eat most of the players Resins, all because of the amount RnG needed. Forget about godly substats, just finding a suitable main stat itself could eat up all of your resins if you have a terrible luck. The same applies to Ascension Material (especially weapons) the silver and golden mats rate are so abysmal that it rarely drop even in the hardest difficulty (the lvl 88 one)

    Seriously, they can be as stingy and let resin as it is, and tweak a bit of the RnG. But no, instead we got this.

  8. God damn it mihoyo. just make the domains have entry limit for each day like 3 time's a day for every domain but remove the resin cost, and maybe if players want to play more than the limit it will cost them resin. Im sure that gonna fix the problem

  9. Tbh im satisfied if they just remove the 3 condense resin cap, i thought u could just store them for how many u want then use it when you do feel like doing domain, i dont have much free time to even play the game, i have a job and then back from work im already spent, i was really hoping when they announce it back then i could just get on, spend it all into condense, go to sleep, and repeat for 6 days, and then use them all on weekends. but nope, capped at 3, whats the whole point of even crafting it tbh other than save a bit of time and maybe increase a bit of a reward. but other than that it basicaly is just the same. poor execution.

  10. who cares about 1 condensed resin ? that´s just another 5mins of gameplay. It´s a mobile game after all, only meant for the chinese people who are sitting in train for 30-60mins a day so I highly doubt they will change anything major about the resin. If they would then getting rid of it would be the best thing to do. restrictions to playtime are just useless. Nobody liked it in elsword and nobody likes it here.

  11. I think fragile resin needs to bee something added to dailies. The main way to get them is with AR, but this slows down way to much past AR 40. A system similar to the story key systeem for fragile keys or an actual daily login calendar are really needed.

  12. I don’t understand why mihoyo doesn’t add a monthly free login similar to seize the day, but a month. Other games have something similar to this, why can’t Genshin have this too?

  13. I honestly wouldn’t buy it; it feels like such a slap to the face that we’ve been asking (politely) for them to fix the resin system (or at least give us a little bit more) and this is what we get ? Like come on Mihiyo you’re better than this


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