NEW Patch 10.22 CHAMPION TIER LIST for League of Legends – Skill Capped

League of Legends 10.22 Tier List – Best Champions and Patch 10.22 Changes!
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0:00 Introduction
0:46 Top Lane Changes
2:29 Top Lane Tier List
2:54 Jungle Changes
4:15 Jungle Tier List
4:57 Mid Lane Changes
7:52 Mid Lane Tier List
8:17 ADC Changes
10:14 ADC Tier List
10:37 Support Changes
11:12 Support Tier List

Tier list 10.22 Contents: annie buffs, zed nerfs, samira nerfs, lulu nerfs, khazix buffs, jinx buffs, xayah buffs, sejuani buffs, nasus buffs, karthus nerfs, best champions, leblanc buffs

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29 thoughts on “NEW Patch 10.22 CHAMPION TIER LIST for League of Legends – Skill Capped”

  1. I still don't uynderstand with Brand. How do you stop him? He has a shit ton of damage at level 1. All he has to do is stand back, AoE minions and if you get to close, fire the shit out of you.

    He is a pain in the ass in Support, which is why he is used there, and not mid.

  2. QOTD, Yasuo, Yone, Samira, any champion introduced in the last year. Why lulu? She's garbage all the way up untill the highest play, I have never ever seen a good lulu, She's just the designated feeder


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