NEW Patch 12.8 PREVIEW: Swain Rework + Xayah Nerfs & MORE – League of Legends Season 12

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0:00 Intro
0:22 Champ Nerfs
1:56 Champ Buffs
3:10 Champ Adjustments
4:06 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 12.8 Best support 12.8, best mid laners 12.8, best junglers 12.8, best top laners 12.8, patch 12.8 rundown, 12.8 lol, 12.8 changes, item buffs 12.8, preseason 12.8, chemtech drake 12.8, hextech drake 12.8, Mordekaiser 12.8 buffs, Aatrox 12.8 buffs, Vladimir 12.8 buffs, Poppy 12.8 buffs, Sejuani 12.8 buffs, Fiddlesticks 12.8 buffs, Zoe 12.8 buffs, Kassadin 12.8 buffs, Vel’koz 12.8 buffs, Xerath 12.8 buffs, Sylas 12.8 buffs, Ezreal 12.8 buffs, Tristana 12.8 buffs, Jhin 12.8 buffs, Bard 12.8 buffs, Seraphine 12.8 buffs, Pyke 12.8 nerfs, Soraka 12.8 nerfs, Jinx 12.8 nerfs, Xayah 12.8 nerfs, Kaisa adjustments, Swain rework

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26 thoughts on “NEW Patch 12.8 PREVIEW: Swain Rework + Xayah Nerfs & MORE – League of Legends Season 12”

  1. I hope Seraphine buffs will be actual buffs this time, also I would like to see some nice buffs to Zoe's ultimate, it's so underwhelming when things like Leblanc's or Zed's w exist as basic abilities…

  2. YES NERF PYKE MID AGAIN AND AGAIN AND again and aga AGAIN ANDAGAIN AND AGAIN AND again and aga AGAIN ANDAGAIN AND AGAIN AND again and aga AGAIN ANDAGAIN AND AGAIN AND again and aga AGAIN AND FUCKING AGAIN. My god they cant be serious. Karma has been terrorizing solo lanes for ages now but nobody cares cuz it's a pro champion. Besides That every other fking support is playable on every other role.

  3. One change I wish they would’ve applied to Swain is have his W slow apply during the conjuration rather than the detonation. That way it can be used for self peel or zone more effectively.

  4. I was literally just thinking last night "wow sylas is a broken ass champion. How funny and fitting of riot would it be if they buffed him randomly?" And here we are. What a joke company

  5. 1- the nerfs in this patch is just joke I mean jinx get nerfs in her HP this is not nerfs it just joke and if they need to give real nerfs to jinx they need to nerfs her items like the kraken slayer but the balance team they dont need give the adcs real nerfs Because they want to make the adcs super broken so they give the jinx this fake nerf

    2- and why they buff the adcs like kaisa and tristana and ezreal this buffs to adcs is unnecessary Because this champions are broken already

    3- and they buff neeko in 12.7 and they want to buff zoe and seraphine in 12.8 Because they want the players to care about those bad Champions But they know that players will not care about those Champions because those Champions are very bad in terms of design, and lore

    4- the players dont play mordekaiser rework Not because he is weak, but because he is boring like nasus and yes every one know the old mordekaiser is better then the mordekaiser rework in every thing the game play and design and the skills

    5- the only good thing in season 12 is the swain and olaf mini rework


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