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SEASON 8 REVENANT WILL BE GETTING A BUFF! My thoughts and and opinions + some nice Revenant gameplay! Hpoefully you enjoy, leave a like, and subscribe!
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30 thoughts on “NEW REVENANT BUFF SEASON 8! Apex Legends”

  1. One revenant buff that I kinda want is if you silence someone they can be highlight through walls kinda like a recon character until the silence goes away. It fits revenant because he’s an assault and ambush character so it’d gives him awareness of where the enemies are at.
    Infinite climb is a must for rev although.
    Also when rev is in shadow form he should have a radius around him that silences people.

  2. I was hoping he would get fortified but I'm happy he's getting a smaller hitbox. I actually started playing octane half way thru this season because Rev was starting to feel like the easy target, but excited to get a buff and go back to him.

  3. I said “thank you” at least 5 times during your rant about revs hit box and horizons ability. Like she just shows up and has one of the best get out of jail free cards and it’s so frustrating. If you watch other players who use her really well it can be so annoying for anyone when she uses her ability multiple times in a fight and can be basically invincible.

  4. Some ideas for Rev:
    -change hitbox
    – silence marks enemies that are in the ball (to make it easier to see)
    -climbing speed doesn't slow down + slight increase in climb height
    -can now stop at any point while climbing to shoot behind him (like spiderman and make him more creepy) (can't continue climbing after posted)
    -death totem death protection time depends on how many squad mates have used the totem. (Less people in shape mode the longer it lasts. when it's full ,the time is slightly less than current duration)
    -death totem disables abilities in exchange for 3 passives that are similar to the shadows (passives could be anything really like: increased jump height, sprint speed, super jump by holding it, etc.)
    *Sidenote: maybe the passives could be composed of your squad mates passives as long as their in death protection too, just a thought.

  5. If rev has fortified that would be too close to op
    I'm a rev main also and I notice that he can get shot on the head easier than others cuz of his height
    Shrinking hitbox is good

  6. Sick gameplay my man revengeful! I think they really need to but, do you think they will still buff him? I read that the devs don't want to change him anymore. You're the best Apex youtuber by far in my opinion btw and I wish you keep on growing!


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