NEW Season 11 Miss Fortune [Eclipse Build] | League of Legends (Season 11)

► Complete ADC Macro Guide in less than 5 minutes –
► Quick Miss Fortune Guide –
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38 thoughts on “NEW Season 11 Miss Fortune [Eclipse Build] | League of Legends (Season 11)”

  1. As u said there will be so much more item changes on pbe before releasing, that i see no point of doing too much pbe vids. Especially that usually u gonna crush ur oponents, and its not educational in any way. Keep grinding live servers so far <3

  2. as someone who damage supports.

    MF, Ashe, Ziggs, Senna and even Twitch.

    I think the games destroyed lol. cost effeccient damage items (with CDR) are gone. to be relevant everyone is basically needs to build expensive crit ADC items. ( except instead of crit scaling, its synergistic legendary mythic items, or whatever.)

    the game will be a dumster fire for a long while. obviously many champions will be able to build carry now, which means ADCs wont be needed. Which means AP bot duos will be OP. Which means ADCs who cant adapt will complain. Which means ADCs will be buffed and AP champs will be nerfed. Which means a new pandoras box of unbalanced champs in diff lanes. Which means Riot will most likely create specific, unintuitive rules to try to force their usual meta. and so on and so forth.

    there will be some OP support items that will be tailor suited to a handful of support champions.. support, probably the most open-ended roll will become the old ADC roll. Where only a few cookie cutter champs will be able to play it. and probably as either ward and buff or cc bots.

    that being said, its very possible they will create super specific OP items to keep zyra and maybe even brand viable as supports.
    which most likely means it will be an effecient item that boosts DoT damage. Which maybe means that AP MF support might be able to compete with her E being a poor mans DoT. Depending on how Twitchs passive works, maybe he might even be able to work too, probably not though.

  3. Definetly want more pbe, i tried my self but with 210 ping it's nearly unplayable. I tested the vayne item, a q a combo hit's like a cargo train 🤣

  4. By the loooks of it crit ADC will be OP, maybe someone like Jhin or MF can go lethality, also Ezreal is completly fucked: need manamine first instead of mythic, death dance is nerfed again, by by iceborn and arm pen + grievious wounds now take up 2 slots so you need to chose between cut heal and BotRK.

  5. QOTD: Friends started like a year before me. And couldn't really force me to play cause I didn't have a pc but they went as far as finding a mobile emulator to play league, but hell naw I didn't play on the phone instead I played some mobile moba so I can relate to them just a little better. And when I finally got a pc they were so hyped and forced me to play even though I was hesitant to switch to league. But hey, here we are..


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