New Season 12 Apex Legends Buffs & Nerfs Legend Changes Confirmed

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New Season 12 Apex Legends Buffs & Nerfs Legend Changes Confirmed
This new aepx legends video covers the new season 12 apex legends buffs and nerfs confirmed for season 12, apex legends new season 12 buffs, apex legends new legend changes season 12, apex legends confirmed legend changes, apex legend changes confirmed season 12, new legend changes confirmed apex season 12, apex new legend changes confirmed
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36 thoughts on “New Season 12 Apex Legends Buffs & Nerfs Legend Changes Confirmed”

  1. So, pro-players already started to whine about Ash, huh?

    The only "nerf" i can think for Ash is giving a time limit to use her passive.

    It is quite annoying to get your position pinpointed 10 minutes after you killed somebody.
    But beyond that, i think her kit is fine.

  2. you know why people dont use bow check stupid nerf they did ruin waepon that nobody uses it and im still against people say ash is broken ash is balanced
    and the playes abuse abilities of ash .

  3. The devs are beyond brain dead if they think wraith needs anything resembling a nerf. And as for valk the only buff she should get is to her tac cause it should scan enemies when it hits them considering she is a recon legend with limited recon capabilities. And loba needs the blue bin passive, the ability to pick up banners with her ult, a 25 second max cooldown on her tac and the ability to see death boxes purple and above through walls

  4. Valk doesn't need a buff

    Bocek arrows needs to be more available, maybe make it a bit more quiet, but over all it's fine

    P2O20 just needs hammer points

    Ash doesn't need a nerf, her ult demands that you commit because you can't go back

  5. Man i bet if 90% of the playerbase played bangalore she would get a nerf too. Even tho she is the most balanced legend in the game. Popularity based nerfs are actually so annoying. "Ooh looks like you are having fun…how about now??"

  6. Instead of nerfing the best Legends, just buff the worst ones so that they compete!?

    They're planning on buffing Loba and Valk, who have insanely high usage this season, but they won't touch Lifeline, Crypto, Rampart, Fuse, or Mirage who all underperform.

    Valk is busted and is not deserving of a buff. Her and Gibby should be nerfed, as a matter of fact.

    I've never enjoyed playing Wraith, but she's honestly at the healthiest spot she's ever been in. I play in D+ lobbies all the time in ranked every day and while I've been outplayed by a Wraith that's used her abilities to her advantage, the immediate strength of Wraith is nowhere near as strong as Gibby or Valk who rely heavily on their passive abilities that don't need to be activated.


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