New Shadowfall Mode, Next Gen Update, Savetitanfall Drama, No New Apex Legend Next Season

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Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: and get a special starter pack 💥 Available only for the next 30 days! Today we talk about the upcoming shadowfall mode coming to apex legends for Halloween, the savetitanfall drama and the custom lobbies programmers are working on, how the community wants no new legend or weapon changes in season 11 to allow better balance, next gen update and how it will impact the fight with pc vs console players and if 120 fps will make a huge difference, and we also address how pros are complaining that Seer takes all the skill out of the game with his kit and whether pros have a good point or if its not grounded in reality. This week I’m joined by my co-hosts KijannaPlays and KevtheKing along with our special guest Ownage! Make sure to check their links below so you can find their content and what’s going with their channel!

Big thanks to our special guest this week Ownage and amazing player and member of the community! Check out his content here:

Big thanks to for supplying the code to allow us to test them and who was the admin who worked with us!

Big thanks As Always To My Co-hosts KijannaPlay and Kevtheking!


Thank you to Garretleaks for Narrating!

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0:00 – Intro

2:59 – Apex Legends No New legend or Weapons for next season for health of game? Good or Bad Idea?

8:48 – Apex Legends Halloween Mode, What’s coming?

15:04 – Apex Legends Next Gen release this year? Will Pc vs Console be fair?

21:52 – Custom private games programmed with savetitanfall hackers, what’s up with that?

29:51 – Pro’s think Seer has made the game to easy for everyone. Thoughts?


27 thoughts on “New Shadowfall Mode, Next Gen Update, Savetitanfall Drama, No New Apex Legend Next Season”

  1. As to the so shooter no shooter discussion, god I'm tired of hearing about the pros whining.
    If they don't like the abilities they can go play something else.
    Yes we need better balancing and even us casuals hate seer, but Apex isn't just a shooter and that's why it's great.

    Stop whining pro players or better yet respawn stop listening to them. They. Always. Complain.

    Oops, should have waited for the you guys too finish, you got to the same place.

  2. lol @ the community not wanting no new legend for season 11…who in the community said this ? if they dont get the fuck outta here lmao its tradition…new season new legend new weapons new battlepass…piss off

  3. I feel like to speak to your topic of scaling back season 11 for Devs to fix stuff. I feel like if we scaled back into Season 11, with a new map only, that also if they rotate in some of the favorite former events and maps, it frees of the Dev’s to work on the regular game to and fix stuff. The team 30 v 30 would be an awesome event mode!

  4. Totally agree they should definitely start catering so the casual people honestly feel like it's getting harder and harder for casual people or people with a low skill

  5. Thordan you made an excellent point that I think people aren't talking about and it's that respawn will release a legend that will cancel seer. I believe they will at least. It only makes sense. They always release something that cancels. Respawn knows what they are doing

  6. Talking about next gen, welp, there is still a lot of input lag on console, also the game still has a variable dynamic res that dips even under 810p at times on new gen consoles…

  7. I don't know if I'm considered a casual or not. I'm a diamond level player I grind ranked and pubs every season, but I feel like they should release op legends/weapons to excite the casuals, but I'm way more on board with the pros that after the initial release you should be listening to the pros cuz there is nothing worse for a games hardcore most loyal player base than feeling constantly disregarded, the pros will point out your games most annoying problems cuz they know better than anyone what an unfair advantage is at that level of play its so obvious when someone has one like valk ulting on rocks above teams, caustic when he was op, wraith q pathfinder grapple. Its so much more apparent when it happens at that level the only reason casuals don't complain as much is because they don't understand what it takes to use certain legends or abilities to their full extent so they don't experience the annoying-ness as much. Just cuz they don't exploit the issues as much doesn't mean they don't exist. Respawn shouldn't follow in the footsteps of Madden and disregard their hardcore ranked grinders and pros to the point where there game becomes ass. The pros will always point out the big problems before they become big problems. The pros are driving so many people to the game. They should care.

  8. @Thordan Smash Do you or anyone else know if Respawned ever talked about doing or if they said they didn’t want to, add a day night cycle or time of day randomization to all the maps?

  9. Thordan I'm at 18:30 where y'all are talking about controls for jumping and controller and stuff.

    I'm one of those few who don't use a scuff and are extremely cracked with the binding for my buttons.
    Custom button controls is one of the greatest things to ever exist in gaming to me. I get people are scared to change their buttons and stuff cause they'll feel like they're bad but it's exactly like you said.

    YOU HAVE TO TAKE YOUR THUMB OFF YOUR AIM STICK just to jump or crouch when it's bound to A and B.

    And something as situational as punching is bound to that stick too.

    I use my right sticks click to interact with doors, pick up items, and reload. And I jump and crouch with my triggers and shoot with my bumpers. Sometimes it depends on what game I'm playing. But I've always used jump and crouch on my triggers and shot with my bumpers. Cause I NEVER wanna take my thumb off my stick. Also having crouch on right trigger right under your shooting bumper feels so nice. You just peak a corner and hold both buttons and beam people when you wanna hard crouch Lazer people

  10. OK OK OK OK what he said in the very beginning it is terrible for their side I am not even listen to what about I said I I just I just heard what he said and then answering it be terrible for their side on respond side on the developer side for the money making side but on the other hand it be very very good for the game for the players for responding in itself if they get rid of and help more like them to have a glass on their plate then will have less to worry about meaning they can do more on other stuff instead of focusing all of these other distinct everywhere is little things everywhere main focus it get it over with

  11. Started with a no content to improve apex and ended in getting new skins 🤦. Come to India try to play, you will get how much the servers need to improve not kidding. The only playable server is singapore (that too has 80-100 ping) and it stays so much overloaded that almost every 2/3 game is rubberbandy as shit. (And pls don't blam my internet its a 200mbps fiber net, and it never slacks while playing any other game)

  12. Soofar is a freak on controller. His movement is insane. He plays on pc though. Not all controller players play console. I think rag tagg is playing controller now too but I think thats due to health reasons. He plays on pc too. Janx is another pc/controller player. Love all 3 guys they put out good content.

  13. I love that you listen to us, this is a much better format compared to the previous. My favorite is still the camera one, but this is good too. Keep trying new things, love the podcasts 🤘🏽


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