We have a new post delay release date! Shadowlands will launch on NOVEMBER 23rd and 24th !
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45 thoughts on “NEW SHADOWLANDS RELEASE DATE ANNOUNCED – Sooner Than We Expected!”

  1. I wish they'd just bite the bullet and release it in January… they clearly have work to do on it still, and it'd avoid the Holiday thing.

    …Keep the Pre-patch releasing on the 10nth of next month tho, cuz i was always kinda pissed people wanted it to be cancelled cuz "Muh Auctioneering!"

  2. Let the devs and the other staff have their days off. The release dates are never ideal for everyone and someone is gonna cry about them anyway. Let's be glad we get a (hopefully good) new expansion during these times!

  3. My main concern is about the GAME TO BE READY!! I would love to have it with no bugs and with everything fixed…probably not gonna happend. If geting that ment geting Shadowlands only at the end of December or Beggining of next year IM ALL FOR IT! I really dont like the idea of playing one more expasion that aint finish or working!

  4. I mean, it would suck to not to be able to play due to a holiday, but I am bit doing much so I would be able to play more.

    The prepatch is very dry right now, having to wait another month for any content would be a really long time.

  5. Look, if players are having a hard time choosing between A GAME and their actually real life families and FREEDOM FROM WORKING those players have a problem. An addiction problem. I get it for the developers because it's their job and it will be annoying to have to do crunch during what is technically supposed to be a given time under contract. I feel for them. I do not feel for players. Stop playing the damn game and do something else with your bloody freedom if things keep intersecting… Jesus.

  6. My family has cancelled Thanksgiving due to covid and grandparents being high risk and many family members would need to travel via airplane. So I've got a 6 day weekend already booked for vacation for launch week so this works out perfect 😊

  7. I think they were actually very close with the original release date of the 26th. They needed a few more weeks to tweak some classes and that's why it was pushed to Nov 23rd. One Month from the original release date will get them very close to the class tune ups. I think the delay and the new release are spot on.

  8. This timing sucks in my opinion. I'd rather get release on 15th December with release of M+ season after 2 weeks and HC raid after 3 weeks. That way you won't have major conflict with holidays and more time to improve things. Mostly talking about about covenant abilities where most of them are marked as pointless, boring, sometimes horse shit. Night Fae for priest is still unuseable, most of the legendaries are shits etc. Not very happy about this indeed…

  9. I'm ok with it being released now. I stopped playing the pre patch because I got bored as hell with it, so when my playing time ended I didn't buy more. When the event begins in 2 weeks, then I'll buy more time! But I'm excited for Shadowlands!!!

  10. To me the real issue with the new release date – is not the conflict with raid tiers and holidays (although that does suck), it's that the game is unlikely to be in any state to be released. Several times this week Blizzard is still dorking around with leveling progression trying to get it right, several classes are still broken (frost mage anyone?), covenants are still changing and being nerfed. There is still so much change going on – there is no way they have anywhere close to the amount of testing needed to see if all these changes even work. This means a S*** show for the first month as the devs are continuing to try to fix/balance broken systems, classes, etc after launch. Personally I would rather them wait longer and get some this crap fixed. just my $0.02.

  11. Happy to have it earlier. I don't think you can please everyone and I think getting to everyone outweighs a particular group of players. I don't expect it to be perfect at launch but 4 weeks of more polished is good enough for me.

  12. I just feel bad for the Blizz employees who will have forgo their Xmas off days, only for Kotick and his band of Activision corporate leeches to let go more of them later on.

  13. Wondering why they didn't decide on Nov 30th? One more week for them, and no holiday issues to override. With people assuming an early to mid December release, it would have still been a happy surprise for most. Otherwise I think Dec 7 would have been a day of Infam……a day to release that people wouldn't have minded as much either.

  14. I have become so indifferent to this expansion i don't even care anymore when it releases. It's gonna be the usual shitshow of lagging servers, bugged content and now even raid release up to a holiday which is complete dogshit.

  15. 2 weeks after relese for the first raid is a joke!,its not giving us any time to enjoy the game without pushing people to be ready…not happy at all with it,not everyone is at home 24,7 playing the game 🙁

  16. They should have left the xpac until end of Dec. Why? Raid opening right before Christmas is stupid. Even with Covid, when you live with kids you do have shopping and planning and spending time with your family – the first delay I liked since now tonight I can watch movies with the kids vs feeling like I should be on leveling.


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