New Swain Changes on PBE | League of Legends

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32 thoughts on “New Swain Changes on PBE | League of Legends”

  1. The passive damage only impacts him as support, but true swain mains know they're only the support until they reach 6, have 3 points on W and a point on E… Sell the ice shards and get rabaddons, and with that big cd buff on Q and R that means he's gonna be a violent ass adc xD

  2. They should give him some kind of mana refund on Q if they want him to be present in any impactful way in mid lane, even with the man's cost lowered he will use up his mana in 2 waves if he farms with Q, and without it he cannot hope to catch up in cs. Also why tf would they remove the dmg on his passive lol, his E does barley any meaningful dmg and now it would actually do nothing

  3. overall its a nerf imo. The Q buff is just early game. The R CD is huge on the other hand bc with no ulti swain is useless. but the dmg remove nerf his early game… so I dont understand the way Rito wana buff/nerf this champ…

  4. w 가까우면 빨리터지고 낮은데미지
    멀면 늦게터지고 높은데미지
    이동속도 증가
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    궁극기사용중사망시 대미지 들어가게

  5. No passive deal? This shouldn't be patched like this. It will be an absolute nerf. Even though Q/R cools are buffed, passive deals are swain's major dealings.

  6. If he doesn't deal any damage with the pull now comes the questions: 1 does he even pull now? 2 what happens instead? And can we get movementspeed buff plz?


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