NEW TIER LIST for PATCH 11.22 – League of Legends

NEW TIER LIST for PATCH 11.22 in League of Legends
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00:00 – Introduction
00:45 – Item changes
01:09 – Top Changes
02:26 – Top Tier List
03:28 – Jungle Changes
05:00 – Jungle Tier List
05:57 – Question of the day
06:12 – Mid Changes
07:35 – Mid Tier List
08:18 – ADC Changes
09:17 – ADC Tier List
09:46 – Support Changes
11:03 – Support Tier List
11:34 – SkillCapped & Outro

#lolguides​​ #leagueoflegends​​ #skillcapped


27 thoughts on “NEW TIER LIST for PATCH 11.22 – League of Legends”

  1. I keep watching your videos to understand the game and I keep trying to apply the knowledge but whenever I get in the situations your guides describe I just forget 90% of what I learned and I can't carry at all. I'm on a 11 game loss streak, what should I do? I am really unmotivated because of it.

  2. Holy fuck I absolute HATE how champs like Kayne are allowed to be S-tier for multiple seasons and – if nerfed passively or actively – INSTANTLY get buffed back once there is a single fucking patch where they aren't.

  3. Great job overall.
    But as @Bertie said, Qiyana changes are messed up in the video (what you said doesn't match what's written), and regarding ADCs, you say that Lucian is a "top tier pick" (but show him as A tier), while Draven is "really solid" (but show him as S tier), which doesn't make sense :/

  4. I think Maokai deserves a rerork. ( This is coming from a non maokai main ) If riot doesnt want him as a support then WTF is his Q pushing towards? How does that makes sense for a top lane role?
    Where is maokai suppose to fit if not support? They need to give him a clear role to play.

  5. Wait. Did you guys mess up in the Video again or did they completely removed the AD scaling of Qiyanas E and replaced it with a AP scaling? How come no one talks about that?


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