NEW TIER LIST for PATCH 12.6: Hecarim GUTTED?! – League of Legends

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34 thoughts on “NEW TIER LIST for PATCH 12.6: Hecarim GUTTED?! – League of Legends”

  1. I don't understand the heal nerfs. I really don't think lifesteal/vamp is the sustain issue. By the time most champs have enough AD, crit, attack speed, or AP as well as ability levels to actually make problematic use of lifesteal/vamp you almost certainly have 40-60% grevious wounds on you since they literally gave every single class a relatively easy and cheap way to get heal cut. The problematic stuff is almost always related to some champion kit or interaction and passive extraneous crap. Instead they nerf the only real skill expressive healing in lifesteal/vamp where you actually need to orb walk, kite out, hit your abilities etc.. and even then you're almost always going to eat an ignite or have grevious wounds anyway. Seems kind of stupid. I guess I could see an issue that a lot of champs can get too much LS too early and makes laning against it annoying but even then, in a few waves and a single back you can have a heal cut component. whatever.

  2. I with My 1 million points on rengar love the quality of life changes, but I’m afraid about his ban rate. Literally nothing changes in how to outplay him. In the end, his numbers weren’t targeted. The Q changes may be reverted or nerfed tho, so they’ll force him back on lethality after nerfs.
    Other then that, his changes are awesome.

  3. When is Riot going to do something with the support meta? There's no more classic support champs anymore. All the time full AP Velkoz, Brand, Lux, or Full AD Senna, Pyke or even Sett with his stupid broken shield…Old support champs without mobility are completely forgotten now.


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