*NEW* TOP VIRAL APEX MOMENTS! – Top Apex Plays, Funny & Epic Moments #861

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Top Apex Legends Plays Best moments Compilation: *NEW* TOP VIRAL APEX MOMENTS! – Top Apex Plays, Funny & Epic Moments #861
Submit Your top apex plays Clips! ➥ https://forms.gle/NtM7L6gbHqCWefW98

の最高の瞬間 Apex Legends

➥ Apex Legends Moments Video Sources:

sgtslvr Twitch
sk571 reddit
ItzMidgetz reddit
Strictly_chronic reddit
DirtySkirty Youtube
horizon-X-horizon reddit
slipknotguru reddit
Jimson_ reddit
WraithNoHolaBackGirl reddit
EliteCSGO reddit
queuesack Gamer Tag
Grovestyle Gamer Tag
NeoTenico reddit
auzzypound Gamer Tag
black-ishh Youtube
BLK_SunSensei Twitch
d1kp Twitch
EncryptedCookie Gamer Tag
Heralys Youtube
it_was_acid Twitch
Krabeish Youtube
Mr_Hanklin Twitch
ottr Youtube
SangLion Twitch
Venom Youtube

We obtain clips from our viewers with full permission and rights to use them, and compile clips to fit under the guise of a compelling narrative via the use of interesting and exciting video concepts and themes for each individual video. We also add significant editing and commentary to make the work transformative from the original creations and fair use.


35 thoughts on “*NEW* TOP VIRAL APEX MOMENTS! – Top Apex Plays, Funny & Epic Moments #861”

  1. Bro that thumbnail is not funny. people already don't respect the gas as is. caustic about to be least picked legend. respawn does not know how to balance a game or fix bugs but they do know how to change skins in the store

  2. People want caustic nerfed cause he is an ability based legend and he is “annoying”, so why arent they nerfing gibby, wraith, bloodhound and valkrie. Caustic will now be the worst legend in the game. While gibby, bloodhound and valkrie remain untouched. His traps already sucks so anyone who wants him nerfed doesn’t actually play the legend

  3. Maaaaan thats the 5th nerf in the last 5 seasons, wtf do they want? People not to use Caustic? Although i hate Caustic i honestly think that he is perfectly balanced right now. Instead of nerfing Caustic why they don t fix de fucking sound?! Its been broken the entire season, u can have an entire party in your back and there is no sound until they shoot u.
    Pd, the sound allways brokes when they make changes to Mirages bamboozels


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