NEW UPDATE: BEST Agents TIER LIST! – Valorant Patch 3.10

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In this video we cover the new patch 3.10 meta that includes the new agent Chamber as well as updates to the developing meta on Fracture! Get an idea of who the best agents in Valorant are and also figure out the agent meta in this patch’s best agent tier list!

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0:00 Intro
0:23 Sova
1:02 Viper
1:35 Jett
2:09 Chamber
3:38 Skye
4:23 Reyna
5:03 Astra
5:42 Killjoy
6:16 Kayo
6:49 Sage
7:30 Raze
8:02 Cypher
8:44 Breach
9:07 Omen
9:52 Phoenix
10:12 Brimstone
10:41 Yoru
11:05 Conclusion

Concepts: valorant guide,valorant,valorant tips,valorant tips and tricks,valorant agent meta,valorant agent tier list,valorant agents tier list,valorant tier list agents,valorant best agents,valorant new meta,agent tier list valorant,proguides valorant,best agents in valorant,valorant tier list,valorant meta agents,valorant meta guide,valorant best agents tier list,valorant news,valorant meta,tier list valorant,valorant update,valorant patch,valorant patch notes

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31 thoughts on “NEW UPDATE: BEST Agents TIER LIST! – Valorant Patch 3.10”

  1. Chamber's teleport is way better than yoru. One thing that they can buff on yoru's tp is to make it indestructible by the enemy. They can also make his tp deploy similar to Skye's bird where you can control which area on the map you pop it. That somehow will make his tp slightly better than chamber.

  2. what, cypher is not that bad at all? cypher is as good as any other agent if you know how to play him and if you are creative to finde new setups..cypher is my main and sence cahmber came, idk if it's up to bad players but cypher just destroys him…only agent that can mess up cypher is viper

  3. I like chamber but I really don't like the fact that he is received well but yoru isn't. Both are non-traditional agents to their roles, but chamber is accepted by people and not yoru 🙁

  4. anyone else thinks that we've reached a point in Valorant where instead of nerfing strong agents we need to buff the other picks to obtain a balanced state ?? in my opinion:
    -Sage needs a slight buff because she's not as imposing as before on certain maps like Killjoy, her only strength became just stalling and reviving has become rare and a gamble, and while Cypher can gather intel his trips can't close down a site because they feel just like a slight hiccup, so he does need a buff especially his ult, if we need a corpse to activate it I expect more than just a blink of the enemies.
    -Sova is not OP, but Kay/O also needs a few very slight buffs to be able to compete against him head on, and Skye is balanced now I think, Breach isn't bad but needs coordination and good timing
    -Jett and Reyna are good now, but honestly can't say what can be buffed in Phoenix, his kit is balanced but not special, and my patience has grown thin on Yoru's rework
    -I never played Astra so I can't say if she needs a nerf (even though I highly doubt she deserves more), Viper might need a slight nerf but only to her ult, but Omen does need buffs, even if not as insane as the scrapped ones, and I don't know what can be done for Brim, maybe add more stat bonuses to his stim ?

  5. Ok lets be real, omen has the most balanced abilities in the game by far and should not be on b tier, not only that but astra is NOT a beginner freindly agent, her abilities can be very overwhelming and confusing. My only complaint with omen is that his shadow step does not execute easily in fast paced scenarios, in my opinion ofc

  6. I think Yoru actually deserves a high place his Pop Flash is amazing and if you can play him good you can consistently go behind Enemies without them ever noticing and burning them apart

  7. Man, i remember me and my friend in an eco round
    He had jet knives and i had the chamber op and we both watched each others backs. And then a kayo knife hit us and we panicked cause we're back to classics.

  8. This agent is really cool. Now you really don't have to worry about jett updrafting trips or anything even though omen can still tp but only if you can figure out where the bot is. Pretty cool chamber!!

  9. I’ve said this before, but the ability to suppress enemies in the hands of a player who knows how to utilize it is invaluable. His flash and ult buff was amazing, and his knife is just as good as ever.

    His molly is a bit underwhelming despite doing really good initial burst damage. In the center it does 60dps, which is on par with Brim’s molly if I remember correctly. However, on the outsides of it this rapidly drops down to 30dps, the lowest of any molly ingame. There are two routes to be taken here: you can either buff the damage dropoff or buff the initial burst power. The former would just include something like buffing the minimum damage from 30 per burst to 40, which would still be lower than most mollys but with just a little bit more oomph. The latter would make his molly pose much more imminent danger to the player who’s caught in it, and it’s to make it function like how his ult pulses. When you pop his ult, it instantly fires one pulse and then does four pulses afterwards. If the molly pulsed the moment it hit the ground and then pulsed four times afterwards, it would cause much more imminent danger to whoever is in it. This second option is much more experimental although it would give the niche of huge burst damage some more love.

    Now that the molly rant is over, KAY/O has extremely high counter potential towards almost any playstyle. Duelists or Initiators going in to entry for their team? He suppresses them. Sentinels or Controllers locking down sites? He suppresses them. Jett, Chamber, or Yoru likes to peek and then instantly get out? He suppresses them. Some bozo is playing for lineups? He suppresses them. This can all be done with his blade with some finesse, however his ult simply guarantees all of this instantly. Jett has Blade Storm? Raze has Showstopper? Sova has Hunter’s Fury? Chamber has either of his guns? The entire existence of Reyna? He gets rid of all of them with a free ability and some skill. And these are just a handful of examples, this applies to *any agent*.

    To make a long story short:
    A good KAY/O is invaluable.


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