NEW UPDATE on SMURFING – WHAT??? Riot Devs Say It's FINE – Valorant Update

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27 thoughts on “NEW UPDATE on SMURFING – WHAT??? Riot Devs Say It's FINE – Valorant Update”

  1. I don't tune to pokimane's stream a lot but i know she has immortal account i see her doing solo que in diamond elo. She plays mehh not really what i see in a diamond player but it doesn't matter she has toxic teammates whatever. Now she calls up myth and now myth is also playing on a p2 smurf account instead of both of them playing on their immortal/radiant accounts…. What the actual fuck riot u cool with this shit?

  2. Good job riot your trying to kill your game. I think now is the time to quit the game. They clearly don’t care about like 80% of their players in the game, which are stuck in silver and below. 🤷‍♂️

  3. These type of content literally says iron to radiant or something like that. They are not trying to smurf. They are just ranking up another account. I might encounter them on one of my bronze/silver match and lose. But I don't lose because every single match I play against a smurf. So if big YouTubers just play and win and rank up, it's done. People should find ways to improve themselves. I mean, just think about it, if I want to rank up to radiant, I should want to know how to take fights, have better game sense like a radiant player. I should learn from what they are doing.

    Also lastly, According to riot, if a player plays exceptionally well every single match, he will rank up no matter what his team is playing. He'll win more RR than lose RR. The main problem smurfs are those hard stuck plat/diamonds who just want to smurf to shit on people and be toxic, flame others and type GGEZ in the chat just to rub it in your face while he one taps you with a sheriff from every single angle.

  4. If someone is not just on an alt and they're smurfing, it has me assume that account has played games less competitively early on for the account. That's encouraged? Riot must be glad most ranked experiences fail at dealing with smurfs too so they can avoid it.

  5. So lemme explain these you tubers are not doing what we hate, what we hate is consistently derailing yourself to bully in a lower Elo, it takes less then 12 games for someone like nossy, tenz or keeoh to get to an Elo where there’s similar skilled players.

  6. I love unranked to radiant type stuff, but it could be done without starting lower than you should (normal radiants being iron at any point on an alt that they made from scratch and didn't purchase lol) and if smurfing is an issue at that point, then it's way more of a placing issue over too many smurfs or something

  7. think of smurfing this way, the player who smurfs is helping 4 people every match, but there also hurting 5 players every match, so realistically smurfing should be fine, becuase its something your gonna see in every game even if its really annoying, although if u havent made a smurf acc yet then just dont at all

  8. Playing vs smurfs is not fun, but with the changes of skipping ranks makes their content not just rolling over bronze games over and over, it's like once or twice. Also it's a 50/50 split on if you get the smurf, also playing vs smurfs made me just get better , made me check my corners and keep me on my toes, surfing used to be a problem, I didn't think it's as much of a problem anymore. I stick by the idea of you can't win them all and the 1/3 rule (where you are the deciding factor in roughly 1/3 of your games the rest are won and lost based on having bad or bad teammates) this changes based off of where you are, I went from hardstuck iron for a year then practiced and started hitting shots and winning. Smurfs and in a few months I'm now low Plat so smurfs didn't get me here or hold me down, I don't duo either so that wasn't a factor, just practice or stay in unranked.

  9. I'm fine fighting against smurfs, what I don't like are the smurfs who trashtalks when they're clearly a higher rank, the other day I faced of with a smurf who was lvl 9 and told us to ff, plus we had an afk, he keeps saying boring so I just responded that he plays on his main if its too boring for him, like wtf you smurf then tells us the match is boring when you're winning 🤡, he was toxic first, idk idont mind smurfs, it just motivates me to do better but trashtalking smurfs are just so low.

  10. Was watching Shannon (Jett VA) the other day and she was getting rolled 10-2 on Fracture by smurfs in gold. They started being toxic so she got Ethos to play the rest of the game and ended up winning 14-12 lmao

  11. I think "To Radiant with XXX agent" is totally fine, but "From Iron to Radiant" totally isn't, because that means you play badly to get placed in Iron in the first place. Smurfing usually involves deranking after you've been promoted to stay in the ELO of your friends or just the ELO you want. This is where the line should be drawn – if you're not losing games on purpose and not creating new accounts too often, you're ok. If you do either, it's not ok.

  12. Im fine with surfing when its a challenge with a handicap like what iridium is doing with sherif to diamond or Keeoh with his agent speedruns, but what I hate is smurffing just to dunk on low level players

  13. Yes a lot of people in the Valorant scene will do climbs starting from the bottom but most pros dont do it very often and its most commonly seen amongst content creators

  14. I agree, smurfs are fine. Here are my 3 reasons in a very short summary
    Having smurfs in ur games make u better at the game because you can learn from them
    Ur rank doesn’t always reflect your skill, your still just as good after losing 20 rr to a smurf as you were before
    The only reason anyone should play video games is for fun. For some people that’s improving, which smurfs do not interfere with, and for some people that’s messing around, which smurfs also don’t interfere with. If u only play for ur rank ur not having fun and should try a different game (I know it’s easier said than done but it’s the truth imo)

  15. A double standard of smurfing is a little crap but I think those handicaps to diamond and what not are done in good will.
    Smurfing for the sake of ruining an experience or just for no particular reason is bad. I think there may be a system riot could implement where you can chose to allow smurfs and make it a lot more open or something along those lines


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