NEW UPDATES 11.20 TIER LIST! – League of Legends

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00:00 – Introduction
00:41 – Top Lane Changes
02:00 – Top Lane Tier List
02:39 – Jungle Changes
03:27 – Jungle Tier List
04:24 – Question of the day
04:40 – Mid Changes
05:15 – Mid Tier List
05:59 – ADC Tier List
06:49 – Support Changes
08:11 – Support Tier List
08:43 – SkillCapped & Outro

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12 thoughts on “NEW UPDATES 11.20 TIER LIST! – League of Legends”

  1. Hey there, fellow YTb watchers that are unsure wether or not you should buy SC:

    If you are willing to actually learn and not just watch vids and hope to magically get better, then 100% go for it.

    I was around g4/s1 and after getting SC I got to g2 with almost no problems. I have been stuck there for a while due to personal issues, but I believe that once those are solved, I should be able to go even higher

  2. S tier bench mid and add is so ridiculous lmao, it is like mid tier has the triple of champ than adc tier 😂
    Plus, there are 3 apc at bot for adc S tier list, something wrong here

  3. So i play Vex a lot (almost lv 7) and i gotta say that even tho her dmg might be crazy shes still not that op.
    People just have to realise that she is a freekill whenever she has no fear up.
    So even tho she kills like an assasin she dies like an artillerie mage. Won very often playing her myself but never lost against one so far


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