NEWS UPDATE: All Chat REMOVED + PRESEASON ITEMS & More – League of Legends Season 11

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0:00​​​ Intro
0:24 PBE Skins
2:19 Syndra VFX rework
3:06 PBE Changes
4:47 QOTD
5:02 All Chat Being Removed?
6:12 Preseason News
9:17 Patch Rundown
10:18 Conclusion
10:34 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.21 Best support 11.21, best mid laners 11.21, best junglers 11.21, best top laners 11.21, patch 11.21 rundown, 11.21 lol, 11.21 changes, item buffs 11.21, ingenious hunter buffs 11.21, health rune buffs 11.21, viego buffs 11.21, teemo buffs 11.21, lux buffs 11.21, xayah buffs 11.21, jinx buffs 11.21, sion buffs 11.21, quinn nerfs 11.21, graves nerfs 11.21, akshan nerfs 11.21, karthus nerfs 11.21, miss fortune nerfs 11.21, guardian nerfs 11.21, conqueror nerfs 11.21, goredrinker nerfs 11.21, stridebreaker nerfs 11.21,

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22 thoughts on “NEWS UPDATE: All Chat REMOVED + PRESEASON ITEMS & More – League of Legends Season 11”

  1. I don't think objective bounties will serve the purpose? It'll be counter productive won't it? When a team is losing they usually don't have dragon prio. To the point where they often have to give up dragons since they can't win teamfight. In this case the enemy team just keeps getting more gold and widens the gap. How will this help to make a come back..? It's very low chance that a losing team is able to contest for an objective anyway…

  2. I see the objective bounty as a way to balance out other teammates that are bad if you are doing good. If people are going 0/5 in top, but you are able to maintain your lane, these bounties allow you to recover. Right now, the game feels like a lane like top or mid is pretty much the only main lane because a splitting Yorick or Trynd that got ahead require way too many resources to stop from solo winning. You also have those Darius or Volis that out heal your damage even with grievous. The game right now has an issue with certain lanes being make or break and the only recourse being that your entire team needs to be fed to deal with the guys 4v1ing you and somehow not dying instantly. The bounties should help balance this at least somewhat. It's not fair to say that people didn't play well if they did well in their lanes and they get handed a monster through no fault of their own. You can't play all five accounts, so why throw the blame on everyone

  3. I reallysont understand what is happening
    Noone wanted a chnage for all chatt there is a thing called /mute all
    Why would u reward somone for playing bad ? If you play bad you loose
    Why are thwy separating xayah and rakan ? That's there whole reason to exist
    Overall it feels like riot dosnt look out for what players want

  4. so, regarding objective bounties, I honestly think that if they manage to get balanced they will be a great addition. I just think that the game is waay too snobally in it's current state

  5. omnistone will get a rework if you check the video that showcases the new dragons when you look at the second drake effect on the map (around red buff) you can see sona with omnistone in the HUD with 0/25 stacks on it which indicates a rework

  6. I just quit league because of them even thinking that they should remove all chat. It tells me that they're so out if touch that the game is only gonna go down hill. It was fun, it truly was. Shame. But I won't support it anymore. Removing all chat although temporary and not implemented yet is going too far.

  7. 2 more jungle camps one in each aclove, similar to dragon buffs etc just to give some laning objective a bit more of a meaning and also more comeback potential in the laning phase by taking that camp


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