NEWS UPDATE: CAITLYN VGU + PATCH HIGHLIGHTS & More- League of Legends Season 11

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0:00​​​ Intro
0:23 PBE Skins
3:44 Vex Coming Soon
4:56 QOTD
5:16 Cait VU and Kai’sa skin
6:00 Esports News
7:38 Low Elo Bots
8:30 Patch Highlights
10:46 Conclusion
11:04 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.19 Best support 11.19, best mid laners 11.19, best junglers 11.19, best top laners 11.19, patch 11.17 rundown, 11.19 lol, 11.19 changes, item buffs 11.19, kennen nerfs 11.19, ryze nerfs 11.19, sona nerfs 11.19, soraka nerfs 11.19, varus nerfs 11.19, aatrox buffs 11.19, akali buffs 11.19, cho’gath buffs 11.19, fizz buffs 11.19, galio buffs 11.19, gragas buffs 11.19, gwen buffs 11.19, mordekaiser buffs 11.19, poppy buffs 11.19, qiyana buffs 11.19, renekton buffs 11.19, sejuani buffs 11.19, seraphine buffs 11.19, sion buffs 11.19, sylas buffs 11.19,

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34 thoughts on “NEWS UPDATE: CAITLYN VGU + PATCH HIGHLIGHTS & More- League of Legends Season 11”

  1. So g2 gonna become a Fnc team?? Lol keep caps but remove everyone else. Yeah not the way he should be rebuilding the team. Jankos is pretty much G2 if i’m honest. Also riot ranking system is hugely flawed. If not, high elo players would be actually doing matches instead of waiting 30-45 mins for matches.

  2. QOTD: I want see Warwick having any kind of aoe attacks, whether it is the Q or when the E is active or a passive or just aoe attacks in general, warwick has a really slow camp clear speed

  3. both bots and scriping are a massive issue in lower elo and it feels like riots doing nothing about it. i encountered 3 scripters this week all playing ezreal (ofc in low elo its very obvious to tell they are scripting when they can dodge an ability while stiltl being in the skillshot marker)

  4. 10 things i hate on this channel and on riot company

    1. The only news they have for us is new skin,buff,nerf,rework release new champ,they never atleast try say hows the balance of the game,or put and indicator on morganaQ Or lux how long the spell last,
    2.use proguiedes to rank up hungry company for skins
    4.the narrator is paid so much just to sugarcoat this company
    5. As a league player for 5yrs i never average myself to play atleast 1k games in one season yet i been team.up with player who is hardstuck on thr division with say 500w/lose ratio,so whenever i lost and team up with clown like them i block and reported,yet riot still aint responding on that
    6.i was wondering if im the one with bad mmr or the player i team up with a player who is hardstuck as hell say 500w/l moments
    7.league of legend is a very unhealthy game,an addicting game that u knew to yourself its bad yet somehow you play because you support yet the company can only give you skins to buy for,its a deppressing game already yet riot created a champ thats born with depression in times of pandemic are the one being punished with a coin flip game mode,u win one now you lose 6x in a row after that win
    9.after a decade of this game,they added this bullshit mythic where a dumb player dont know how to counter shield and armor of the opposing team,not just that,the hero that you are comfortable in playing was nerf or reworked too hard to play and have fun anymore
    10.queue in takes so long,higher duration means high mmr,say them cause no one is playing much in higher mmr and in high mmr means a chance to win ,how's that possible i played ok yet the one above rank oj me trolls and inting so hard?

    If this comment still a no show to others,thanks for blocking me proguides

  5. I'd really like to see a champ with full CC that is incapable of doing damage. Someone with like an irelia Q that applies a passive where at 3 stacks of getting hit they get CC'd, and the other abilities just help apply the passive. All while dealing 0 damage.

  6. Qotd: something like aphelios but instead of switching weapons based on the order that you use your abilities you can get different results… There was an clip about a Udyr rework that would implement this mechanic but sadly it didn't come true… Even through this mechanic works the best in a kit like his

  7. i want a former good witch who was tortured by nexus or so, and now her mind is so corrupted, that she is harming herself. means: passive: her abilities get stronger like usual, but for every time she upgrades an ability she have to pay a price most likely something like losing Maxlife, losing movement speed etc but as a positive effect she gets extreme range for her abilities normal cast range, jhin w range, galio ult range last rank global. q should be a toxic field like aksli shroud, who hurts enemies and yourself, but every third autoattack you do while hurting yourself will heal your allies for the amount you take dmg. w is a shield like tham kench but you can take the double dmg of the black bar to give all your allies nearby a shield of the same level. e you can lock onto an ally like tarics w, you reduce your armor and MR and gives it to the connected teammate, you can charge up the e by holding e, that reduces your mana graduatly and makes u imobile but charges the mates mana and gives him a speed boost in attack and movement for 2 seconds. ult should be like karthus but instead of dmg it debuffs all enemies for 5 seconds and increases allies attack and ap for the same time.

  8. champs should be hard to pick up, the game caters to people with no mechanical skill. thats why champs like garen and sett are always S tier no matter who plays them, make the game harder not easier,

  9. Qotd: a double suicide ultimate that deals 3k damage execute (maybe 1k at lvl 1, then increasing with each lvl) to themselves (maybe reduced to per ult level) and a marked enemy; it would be quite interesting as an anti carry against oppressive champs who snowball unstoppably; it also brings a big implication for proplay, as they could take away a priority enemy in teamfight alla mordekaiser.

    Would make some of the inting sion players who find the champ too "slow" for them to enjoy the kamikaze playstyle.

  10. QOTD: It would be cool to have an adc who's ult were super long ranged piercing bullets, similar to jhin. Or a super charged shot similar to nunu's ult; but obviously it would be a skill shot

  11. QoTD: I Want To See An Ability That Temporarily Reverts Damage Of The Last Ability Your Opponent Uses On You. Even A Lethal Hit.
    Gets Finished Off By A Karthus Ult*
    Uses Ability To Revert Damage And By Extension Reviving*

  12. QOTD: two ideas I’ve had for new champs, 1, probably a Demacian brawler type champ, but here’s the thing, he can only have AD. Like when he purchases any AP item, it gets converted into an equivalent amount of AD instead, similar to like Pyke passive. This would allow their itemization to expand far beyond the normal range, without just having low amounts of mixed damage. Another one that I would like is a Chef type champion that actually gives each ally a slot in their inventory that he can put food he makes into, and they can use them like they would a potion, they could give Adaptive force, healing, mana, or maybe speed or AH.

  13. QOTD: A champion that creates consumable items. This could be an artificer crafting bombs and gadgets for offensive use, an alchemist giving potions for buffs/debuffs, or something else entirely, but overall relying on a limited amount of uses before having to create more, and switching around their capabilities on the go. Maybe utilizing resources from jungle monsters and minions, where other teammates killing monsters could give you the resources somehow? Would be a cool way to allow for both jungle and lane use.

  14. QOTD: champ with an R that is a global trade places between 2 champs. With a pet or object that simply needs to be clicked on by reciever of R to go through to mitigate trolling. Could make for interesting macro plays


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