NEWS UPDATE: UDYR REWORK + ZAUN ADC + SUPPORT & More – League of Legends Season 11

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0:00​​​ Intro
0:23 PBE Skins
1:54 PBE Changes
2:11 Balance Framework
3:32 QOTD
3:51 Champion Roadmap
7:02 Esports News
7:50 Patch Rundown
8:53 Conclusion
9:10 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.20 Best support 11.20, best mid laners 11.20, best junglers 11.20, best top laners 11.20, patch 11.20 rundown, 11.20 lol, 11.20 changes, item buffs 11.20, lord dominik’s regards nerfs 11.20, smite nerfs 11.20, taliayh nerfs 11.20, amumu nerfs 11.20, singed nerfs 11.20, jarvan IV nerfs 11.20, irelia nerfs 11.20, shen nerfs 11.20, senna buffs 11.20, darius buffs 11.20, elise buffs 11.20, hecarim buffs 11.20, udyr buffs 11.20,

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41 thoughts on “NEWS UPDATE: UDYR REWORK + ZAUN ADC + SUPPORT & More – League of Legends Season 11”

  1. QOTD: machine that picks random assassin every patch and gives them random nerf (higher chances for kata bc game is fucking unplayable against her and it excludes evelyn bc champ is trash)

  2. QOTD: Equal treatment for all lanes, I feel like especially the last 2 seasons Botlane (adc) got special treatment by riot and countless unnecessary buffs

  3. i was hoping rekkles and g2 would somehow make it work but guess not sucks loved this iterarion of g2 but guess u can't have your cake and eat it too, hopefully the addition of BB solves some of the problems the team had this split

  4. Make it so that pro players have a different set of patch notes then those who are under diamond 🙌 it would make it so that you could focus on balancing elite levels of play and lower levels of play without effecting eachother

  5. QOTD: make it so that people who are first timing a champion in ranked lose 50% more LP if its a loss. Or just something that is an incentive to keep people from first timing a champ in ranked, while also keeping in mind that some people are smurfs and it might not be their first time on the champ

  6. Anivia needs all of those updates, her old skins show their age, I still have no idea what Noxus Hunter Anivia is supposed to be, is it a lore skin? Or just a random skin? Seeing all those skins getting updated on wild rift made me REALLY hope they'd bring them to PC, bilgewater Kat's splash art looks amazing and so does queen Ashe and Tryndamere's. and all anivia mains agree her model could use an update. But I'd just like to see champions like Annie and Malzagar as well get model updates without exactly changing how they play. Can't believe I'm saying that about Annie….

  7. I think an end of game critique/survey would be beneficial to assist the dev teams. And based on the validity, criticism given, or overall seriousness they could have preferred players that they can add to an elite tier they look to for ideas or even help with the game in any aspect.


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