No More Proc Sets In Cyrodiil For 6 More Months: Bad or Good? | The Elder Scrolls Online

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34 thoughts on “No More Proc Sets In Cyrodiil For 6 More Months: Bad or Good? | The Elder Scrolls Online”

  1. They don’t know what they’re doing. I’ve played along with their excuses and failed plans but I really don’t have hope for pvp. I play eso for pvp. I subscribe to eso plus for pvp. I have sets on set on sets from all the dlc that I can’t use anymore. So dumb.

  2. 6 months of not being able to use 90% of the sets in the game in cyrodiil is going to get boring. People are just thinking about the main culprits but what about the other sets? NMA, Swamp Raider, War Maiden, Monster sets, Mythics. Thats all content people spent time and money on and they basically nerf-chopped 90% of the game in Cyrodiil.

  3. So pissed about this!!! I didn’t grind every piece of gear in the game since launch, gold it out, and make 16 end game pvp toons just so they are all gutted and useless in Cyrodil! Quitting my eso plus & game if these changes go into affect.

  4. Someone was also mentioning that the engine itself that the pvp stuff is run on is possibly the issue. Where history of the engine on other games having similar issues. Maybe if they really can't then they would have to use new one which I don't know if they would since the time for that would probably be long.

  5. 30 days CP campaign – they change the name yearly but it's the same instance in the end – has always been extremely laggy. I remember joining PvP in 2016 and it was horrible, with character stuck in snipe or wrecking blow animation for 3s+ when there was a bigger battle. People were suspecting even back then that the extra lag had something to do how the CP calculations were done. Also CP PvP has horrible balance, you have to be 3v1 at least to kill someone who's at least reasonable skilled as current CP is extremely skewed towards mitigation. I remember CP BGs back in the day, deathmatch was 90v75v60. I've moved to no-CP in 2017 and never looked back – it has better balance and slightly better performance, also I don't need to change my PvE CP every time I get in. For all this time I was way above the CP cap, as it was raised but I still didn't like the idea of playing CP PvP for the reasons stated above. I'm sitting at 2337 CP currently on EU and 915 on NA.

    I will probably stick to no-CP with my stamina DK for the foreseeable future. I'm not bothered much about proc sets being disabled as I do just fine with my current medium armor build, and I wasn't relying on proc sets much even before.

  6. You said it! To me, I believe ZoS made this decision for no proc set Cyrodiil as a scapegoat to get out of actually balancing the few dumb game-breaking proc sets.

  7. Lol zos is litterly the saddest dev team i have seen lets take out all the sets and turn on aoe healing. And let game still perform like absolute garbage. But hee guys we made a new cp cystem thats broken lmao 🤣

  8. Maybe remove Volendrung, Keep recall stones and go back to when you couldn’t wayshrine to outposts. Slow all that stuff down maybe. Think how much hopping around Cyrodiil players do. Also being able to enter IC from Cyrodiil and vice versa, does that take its toll? Just a couple of suggestions/thoughts.

  9. So now there is no uniqueness to pvp builds? Every stam Templar is the same and every mag sorc is the same? And you can't off set class passives and weaknesses with sets? Well I didn't really plan on doing pvp but now I know I won't ever even try it

  10. I’ve often thought about the amount of animated scenery within Cyrodiil too. Is it necessary to have so many npcs, trees and water etc in general. Surely removing lots of these may help performance? And let’s be honest, no ones going to miss a few trees, flowing water or wandering merchants.
    I’d remove a lot of the scenic crap and make it look more war torn. Craters, tree stumps etc.

  11. Cross healing is necessary I see lots of healers trying to get in groups n they can’t get into groups to many toxic people in pvp , love sitting on a tower n spam heals lol 😂

  12. So dumb if proc sets were the cause of lag sure by all means go ahead, but we’ve all learnt it isn’t, I pvp almost everyday and very rarely do I get “proc’d” to death does it happen sure but incredibly rare, they should make a procless campaign but we all know zos is cheap af and won’t, not only does this update make characters like bombers completely useless it takes away from the endless creativity you can have with builds and are now restricted to what 15 sets? Ball groups gonna run wild without bombers and magsorcs are gonna nuke most people I have 4 pvp toons and now I get to use one? Not only do I have 1 I have to grind out a new shoulder piece so my monster helm doesn’t “proc” no more master weapons no more vma weapons, rip half the content in the game considering there’s zero reason to farm sets/grind dungeons anymore. I preordered the new content to farm the sets for my nightblades and now I no longer get to use them? At this point I question why I even preordered it to begin with, been playing this game for 5 months now and it seems like zos just decides to f**k you every chance they get..

  13. As long as ZOS does not spend money on performance upgrade to the servers the performance is not getting better!
    Like ZOS said they would in the intro of the latest expansion announcement show and ZOS worded it in a way that made everyone believe it was a performances hardware upgrade and then in the "after show" Gina said it has no impact on performance! That was scamming there players! ZOS knew how they said it! They said it in the intro of there big show! And then it turns out it doesn't do anything a player would feel! Why say it in the intro when it is only going to make some back end stuff easier for them!

  14. Removing all those sets kinda takes some of the fun out of cyro.. if they are going down this route might as well make specific stat only pvp gear so the focus gets shifted from gear to player skill and utilization of class/weapon abilties. Would probably be more balanced tbh

  15. thank god they removed 7th, fury, nma, clever alchemist etc etc those were so problematic and disgusting cant wait to go to cyro with my stamdk vs wardens and sorcs what could go wrong xd

  16. This change makes Cyrodiil boring. Anyone who says it's more fun is just a sweat who is worried people think they're not good at the game if they play with procs. What was the issue with procs? Certain things being too strong..? The fact is that issue is still there, and is there even worse, with health recovery in mist form, and magsorcs with infinite shields and streaks. There was hundreds of viable builds now to have fun with that weren't considered "meta" that I could stomp people running meta builds on.. now it's conform to what's strongest or struggle to compete.


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