Non Gamer tries to understand World of Warcraft Lore

Huge thanks to @Hidden Azeroth for letting me be confuse to his video. I had a great time. Listen to the first …


37 thoughts on “Non Gamer tries to understand World of Warcraft Lore”

  1. Alleria WIndrunner is the sister of Sylvanas Windrunner (Eyebrows) lol As for this video, I have been playing since World of Warcraft started and I had no clue about most of the stuff before, lol

  2. I've binged all your reacting to WoW videos and I love to see it through someone elses eyes! I wanted to mention that I legit talk back when you ask questions. For example when you asked who "that girl next to Anduin" is, I yelled ITS JAINA!! I love Jaina and her story! Great content, keep up the good work!

  3. You should reverse the size of the cam and the video. Make the video you're watching bigger and put yourself up in the corner πŸ™‚

    Apart from that, it's fun to see the perspective of a non WoW player on all this πŸ™‚

  4. World of Warcraft released in 2004, but the Warcraft Universe and other games existed prior to that. So, from the perspective of someone playing World of Warcraft, it starts at 23:35, as all of the events in the video prior to this have already happened.

    Also, much of this Lore was unknown, but with every year, the game fills us in about warcraft's past. Like when the Sundering happened and Quuen Azshara meets the old god N'zoth, just after the sundering event, we found this out in 2018, but it actually predates the release of WoW.

  5. There are only 2 rules to understanding WoW lore:
    1. Absolutely everything matters, no matter how insignificant it seems at first.
    2. Absolutely nothing matters, no matter how significant it seems at first.

  6. Ok, if you want to know more of 'the lore', please watch Nobbel87 of Bellular's vids on lore, because the one you're watching now, is very truncated & a lot of the lore has been ommitted…

  7. You've done really well comprehending even any of this and to be honest it would break anyone's brain coming in cold. It's insanely convoluted.

    To be fair for context it's about 25 years of story that's been built-on and retconned to all-hell while being told over 3 real-time strategy games, World of Warcraft itself which has been around for 16 years, about 30 novels, 10-ish manga, about 20-30 comic issues and a whole bunch of those mini-movies released on Youtube that you've been watching. To Hidden Azeroth's credit they pretty much covered… Like… Everything.

    Blizzard basically just take everything from Tolkien to Game of Thrones to Lovecraft to Star Wars to Kung Fu Panda and throw it in a blender. It's kind of nuts.

  8. The First Second and Third Wars between Alliance and Hoard are all Warcraft 1-3. We don't get the full background lore until you're deeper into WoW, Wacraft 1 Orcs show up and they fight with the humans. Both sides suffer, but the humans are pushed out. Warcraft 2 both sides have new allies and fight again, the Hoard are mostly gone from Azaroth but slowly regroup and rebuild. Warcraft 3 the Hoard is officially regrouped and join the Alliance in the battle against the undead, and the Burning Legion. At the end, the Hoard mostly moves West, while Alliance take back everything but Lordaeron. Some time passes, then the events of WoW start.

  9. Don't worry that ending was a lie, we are not about to kill ourselves to enter the realm of the dead. That guy was fkn stupid for putting that part in there. Idk how we get there I think it's just some weird teleportation but it's a one way ticket, once we get there we have no means of escape.

  10. Play the first warcraft games… you'll understand the story and won't be confused. It took me a couple of months to put everything in place(the story)… the new story is still confusing to most of us Warcraft players πŸ˜€ good luck!


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