only a HACKER could stop me on this OP Legend.. (Apex Legends Season 8)

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45 thoughts on “only a HACKER could stop me on this OP Legend.. (Apex Legends Season 8)”

  1. They seriously need to nerf her! She has way too many advantages! She can get out of any situation pretty much. Her Ult is inescapable. She can use her tac ability and land right behind you or hop across a room very quickly and instantly pump rounds in. I hate fighting her so much. Yet they nerf the shit out of Wraith, when she was pretty balanced before. Wraith’s tactical takes almost 5 seconds to warm up now.

  2. Just curious, why does your attitude change when you play with chicken, but everyone else your more out going I guess. Idk your just different. With chicken vs items, Soofar or Crazy.

  3. Horizon is strong no doubt but she is also one of the funnest characters in the game. A high skill ceiling as well and that’s good for a character in my opinion. Like octane and path, they have an amazing ability to reposition and just being creative. I would say lifeline is more broken or even octane at the moment. Idk why but give the jump pad a bit more lateral distance and he’s the best legend in the game and your just constantly getting ape from every direction. Also I Honestly feel that Revenant should have never been added to the game. It’s just an annoyance more than anything and a way for bad players to get RP

  4. Can't wait to see you hit 1 million jankz I'm gonna be here for it been here since 100k your growing so fast honestly so excited and here to support you all the way and hope to one day get in the game with the best I learn from you watch all your videos and strive to play as good as you keep up all the hard work much love❤💙💚💛🧡💜🖤

  5. I main horizon she needs a nerf.
    1. Make it so her abilities don't go through walls
    2. Make it so grenades bounce off her ultimate ,
    3. Make the height of her tactical a little less
    Stop touching the damn cool downs lmao it does nothing but prolong the inevitable

  6. Why did he cut the rest of his 8 kill horizon game, every game u upload doesn’t have to be a win my guy. Like I already know ur god tier, don’t cut the parts that remind me ur still human.


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