OP PREDICTIONS Patch 11.6 BROKEN Champions, Meta Updates, & More – League of Legends

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0:00 Intro
0:10 Xin Zhao
2:22 QOTD
2:42 Xin Zhao
4:28 Akali
6:48 Other Champs
7:44 Sustain
8:03 Shurelya´s Battlesong
8:15 Luden´s Tempest
8:39 Tanks
9:21 Outro

Concepts: Concepts: Best ADC 11.6, Best support 11.6, best mid laners 11.6, best junglers 11.6, best top laners 11.6, patch 11.6 rundown, 11.6 lol, 11.6 changes, item buffs 11.6, Ravenous Hunter nerfs 11.6, Fleet Footwork nerfs11.6, Blade of the ruined king nerfs 11.6, sterak’s gage nerfs 11.6, stridebreaker nerfs 11.6, seeker’s armguard nerfs 11.6, verdant barrier nerfs 11.6, void staff nerfs 11.6, Shureliya’s battlesong nerfs 11.6, luden’s tempest buffs 11.6, sunfire aegis buffs 11.6, rabbadon’s deathcap nerfs 11.6, immortal shieldbow changes 11.6, teleport changes changes 11.6, karthus nerfs 11.6, hecarim nerfs 11.6, urgot nerfs 11.6, lillia nerfs 11.6, renekton nerfs 11.6, gnar nerfs 11.6, akali buffs 11.6, xin zhao buffs 11.6, leblanc buffs 11.6, sylas buffs 11.6, pyke buffs 11.6, volibear buffs 11.6

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40 thoughts on “OP PREDICTIONS Patch 11.6 BROKEN Champions, Meta Updates, & More – League of Legends”

  1. Yeah, screw the 48% win rate Pyke, said the dogs that int to him xD
    He is the real problem, not the 54% win rate junglers( hecarim, karthus and Elise) or the 55% win rate swain APC. It’s pyke and thresh xD
    You are such a diamond dog it’s so cringe.

  2. when is the update on wildrift 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

    QOTD: i think corki cuz his game style of the game and ever since ive play him and someone post in YouTube that corki must have a rework cuz his old😅😅😅😅😅

  3. ProGuides Forgot to mention that Akali's passive will no longer give energy back (unless that was changed) so that Q energy buff is actually a huge nerf on top of it no longer dealing extra damage to minions at max rank (need to Q twice to clear caster minions instead of once). Essentially, Akali's roaming potential is being nerfed on top of her lane phase and early game being heavily gimped in 90% of her match ups for a stronger mid-late game

    TLDR: Akali is having most of her early game power shifted into the mid to late game to the point where she might have to do the same shit she used to do pre rework (sit under tower and farm til 6).

  4. QOTD: A Sol. The champ has had underwhelming gameplay since launch and only continuously got worse since his rework. He greatly needs more satisfying visuals upon hitting abilities, a reworked ultimate (maybe more range, more damage, lower cooldown, or mix of such), and something more to his e. His e literally cancels from a mere auto attack. In addition, its base cooldown is literally only 10 seconds shorter than HIS ULT. Maybe an ability to replace e while it's on cooldown? Idk. Point is, the champ is in serious need of a subtle visual and semi-major gameplay update.

  5. QOTD: As a old school beta player I love the old school characters. For me though J4 and Malz need some love. Malz just need a little love to get up to standard.
    Same with J4 love him but his kit starts to show his age the more you play him.

  6. Rito, request for your game League of Legends. Please change the rank queue match-up. The basis should be on how much win-lose difference nearby plus split and put a condition if the player blocked or reported from the player means they don't want to play along with, so those Good players can match Good players more challenging and nontoxic match. We don't want to play with bad players, the main reason why quitting playing this game. They are abusing a team composed of health with armor/magic resist items just to become unkillable, and what will the carry do in this situation if their items, runes, and skills have limitations for tanks. Then Buff Cut-down, Dominik's, and BRK to solve abusive tanks in the game. Make tank champions skills on high cooldown and low ability power scales to stop abusing tanky assassins. And crowd control should proc on how much health a champion has. Suggestion box for your game, to have communications with players to game so that it is easy to compete with the problems. Rearmost to regain tilting match in an early phase, skills should be weak at untimely levels (1 – 10) to solve players who quit prematurely in early trade in the game. Listen, every time this game updated: there are bugs We encounter, players know that programming is not hundred percent accurate in constructing a game, so for me, programmers of the game should concentrate like they are the roots of those cause in building this game it must be concretely and I know it is easy for them to do this "Less error, Less mistake" wake up guys you don't need to be lazy on your jobs as a programmer you should do what the game present for the players and in the game for the future.


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