Optimize Your Shield and Healing (Diona Build and Investment Guide) | Genshin Impact

In this video I go over all of the testing and math that I have done to show Diona’s shield strength and healing potential with different artifact sets, stats, talent levels, and character levels. This video took awhile to make so I hope it helps some of you. I never fully understood the potential of Diona and wanted to sit down and see how much more she really gains from investment.

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Intro 0:00
Kit Overview 1:49
Artifact Sets 4:00
Artifact Stats 4:34
Healing Tests 5:05
Shielding Tests 6:15
Tenacity Set Showcase 7:46
Talent Level Importance 8:16
Character Level Importance 9:20
Favonius or Sacrificial 10:12
Outro 12:09


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34 thoughts on “Optimize Your Shield and Healing (Diona Build and Investment Guide) | Genshin Impact”

  1. I've been running Healing Bonus on her for so long, I somehow didn't realize it didnt strengthen her shield. She and Bennett is a permanent in my abyss team. I would have actually stuck with Qiqi but Diona does a lot more than just overhealing.

    Now I can't get her last constellation because I'm 64 pity and I'm saving for a Song of Broken PP attempt and Eula. Ah Mihoyo, number 1 cause of my gaming distress.

  2. 5:30 she went 'o'
    My diona has 4 piece mb but I am thinking that maybe if I get better noblesse artifacts I can give her Bennett's lvl20 noblesse artifacts.
    Thanks for the guide!

  3. good analysis. as you've said, in the end it depends on the playstyle. i still stick with the 4pc noblesse as i don't want her to overheal hutao, and even better she's giving hutao atk buff. and with a sac bow, she's also giving rosaria the particles needed to further maximize the melt damage. sad thing is i haven't got her constellations past c2, god i wish i have a c6 diona just to enjoy that 200 EM boost.

  4. I’ve been wanting to build Diona for a LONG time and now that I’ve got her at C6 I should rlly start working on her lol. She’s so versatile that it’s amazing considering she’s just a 4*. So thanks for the guide! 🙂

  5. Isn't Noelle's shield the second strongest in the game? Also the only thing stopping us from farming to our heart's content is a crappy mechanic in the form of a time gate that should be completely removed.

  6. Why is her ascention stat "cryo damage bonus" if we're just gonna stack hp?
    + C2 increases damage on E, and iirc I think there was another constellation that reduced her charged shot time or smth like that inside her ult or smth

    So.. why is mihoyo giving us all that (especially the ascension stat), if we're just gonna "stack hp"?

  7. "Subscribe for better artifact RNG"
    Been subscribed for a while now, haven't gotten any relic better than "workable" in weeks… Maybe I did something wrong.
    Everything else in the vid seems spot on though! Diona being free is such a massive boon for F2P players, and I really hope they rotate events like these and Fischl's to give new players the chance at them too.

  8. Diona's C6 doesn't really synergize with Hu Tao being the condition for the +200 Elemental Mastery needs you to be "Above 50% HP" But overall Diona is a very good Shielder and Healer even at C0.

  9. I have c6 Diona and just finished building her but I'm torn between switching her artifacts to ones with more hp substats. I like my support characters to be able to defend themselves in case they need to be left on the field longer than intended, but I also want the strongest shield and healing capabilities from Diona 🙁 I would have to sacrifice atk and crit dmg/rate for hp. I hate the struggle of trying to find a good balance for support characters especially since I'm used to building for main dps.

  10. Thanks for this amazing video dude. I just started using Diona with my diluc, xinqu, and Zhongli team and really wanted to know how to maximize her skills and this really helped me out.

  11. tysm for this! I personally have believed in Diona supremacy since she was first released and already have her fully built at lvl 80/80 with level 8 talents (still at C4 :() and 30k HP and her shields are perfect for my Ganyu, and I'm glad that more people are starting to appreciate her too! She's the main reason why I'm comfortable with skipping Zhongli so I can save for future characters, and if the EM buffs next patch end up being really good, a C6 Diona is gonna be even better than before in electro and anemo comps which is very exciting :0

  12. I would argue that the Favonious Warbow doesn't need that much crit rate either – her Icy Paws can crit, and when you hold her E 5 of them shoot, so realistically even at R1 you'd only need about 20% crit rate to have a decent uptime of its passive, any more than that will make it more consistent, but isn't needed.

  13. I hope someday we will get Exile, Instructor and maybe Beserker 5* variants.

    Im still not sure if I want to farm the new sets. For Zhongli I can still farm the Geo Set which can help my Ningguang too. And Noblesse is always good to farm. And for Diona I have Noblesse too, which drops Bloodstained too so for Eula I could have a set too. Feels like for F2P or low payed players the new domain is not worth to spend.

    And like always nice video! And yes Diona is one of the best supports! I think some day I will give her a crown just because she is insane 😀


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