Orianna is the ULTIMATE SUPPORT in Season 12 …. – (League of Legends)

Orianna Support is legitimately pretty insane in Season 12! Use this video as a guide for Orianna Support!

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#Orianna #Support #LeagueOfLegends


25 thoughts on “Orianna is the ULTIMATE SUPPORT in Season 12 …. – (League of Legends)”

  1. I remember your old videos with Support Jhin. I wonder how it would look in the current meta. I tried it a few times for fun today, with Seryldas+Imperial Mandate for something different. Fun pick.

  2. yess I play a lot of Ori support. She's like Yuumi but instead of giving adaptive damage and heal, she gives armor and shields.
    I like going Moonstone and Guardian on her. It works on her ball so you can save people with guardian from far away or even if the ball is mid air.

  3. I prefer guardian for orianna because it’s mainly about scaling instead of poking for me. I love her as a pocket pick especially because she negates so much in early game and then she is a monster in late game. Great game from the GSA!

  4. People really have been sleeping on Ori support. I actually really enjoy the way the Lethal Tempo changes feel on her. Take Shield Bash and Revitalize in the secondary tree, rush Tear into Moonstone, then finish Archangle's. You can spam her ball and shield, along with basic attacks and shred the enemy. Fatty shields lets you trigger Shield Bash all of the time. Follow up with Spirit Visage and those shields and heals get even bigger. Her ultimate still turns teamfights like she's a midlaner.

  5. I play Ori with some teams for synergy. When I do, i put 3 points in W for trading early and then max E. Most damage, come from W. Maxing Q in Ori allows her to clean wave wasting low mana and charge up tear. But you do not need that as support.


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