Our Early Impressions of Outriders | Dropped Frames 270 (Part 2)

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Danny O’Dwyer joins us for the first half this week as he tells us about the behind-the-scenes goings on at NoClip and where they fit in the current games media landscape. In the second half we try to understand the wild drama surrounding Nacom, Frogware and their game “The Sinking City.” as well as the news that Dragon Age will NOT be a GAAS (Yes!) We also dive in with our early thoughts on Outriders and a new indie game called Loop Heroes!

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22 thoughts on “Our Early Impressions of Outriders | Dropped Frames 270 (Part 2)”

  1. If outriders can fix the amount of loading screens/cuts to black then I will buy it. Although I had some issue with the dialogue and voice acting, the game had enough there to make me interested. However, the cut to black/5s cutscene of opening a door/cut to black/loading screen/cut to black loop was super annoying. You had to go through that for every mission/side quest and area. Hell even opening the inventory cut to black.

  2. Outriders talk starts 58:28.

    The only thing that will stop me from buying the game is if they cannot fix the camera shake during the cutscenes. The draw to me for this game is the promise of a complete experience out of the box with the 14 expeditions at the end game, and the overall generosity of the loot in the game. I am absolutely ecstatic about the idea that we can dismantle legendaries and use the legendary powers on weapons we like, and upgrade pretty much anything about those weapons. It's a really promising loot system and it's everything I wanted out of Anthem but never got. The story is interesting to me, I feel like they did a well enough job even though some of the dialogue is a mess of edginess. The story itself is interesting enough that near the end of the demo I was interested what is going to happen next.

  3. Timmy "Mom can I buy the new COD?"

    Timmy's Pleasant Mother "Sure, you've been great this month"

    … Five days later.

    Timmy's Pleasant Mother on the phone with Comcast "What do you mean you are charging us extra because we went over a CAP!?! What the F*#)!"

  4. Epic can suck a bag of dicks, but it was smart for the Fall Guys devs to sell their soul to epic. The game sold a shit ton at launch so they made that sweet steam money, but it's been declining in playerbase like a fucking rock. So now they just get a little bit extra money and possibly reinvigorate the game? Probably not cause it's epic. Sucks for the people who play fall guys still though. RIP

  5. Regarding Rocket League, they fixed the server issues in the first 2 weeks the game moved to Epic, it was an issue between an influx of players (going f2p) and the implementation of cross play between Epic and Steam. AFAIK they haven't had any major server issues since then.

  6. Here is the thing with the muddy burnt down building look. Its what a human area in a multi decade long war would look like. In outriders it totally makes sense that over what was it? 31 years? the small area they are constantly fighting over day in and day out. If you think back to the end game stuff none of it was like that. It was all lush environments. Environments humans hadn't touched yet.

  7. Outriders main character's reactions aren't really about dark humor, if you go by the character's back story, what happened on Earth was less than a day ago for him. He had to mow down a group of civilians that tried to destroy the ship that was flying millions to the spaceship because humanity ruined Earth and started to kill each other for what little everyone have and to him that was a few hours ago, then was unfrozen to a lush beautiful new world, but was then frozen again soon as they encountered an anomaly but only after a bureaucrat tried to send more people to the surface of an untamed world that could kill everyone. Then woke up again and dragged through a tunnel of dead bodies and just seeing more people killing more people with no regards to life.
    To him, humanity is just more killing one another, even if it happened through a span of 30+ years, to the main character, it was less than a day ago that he saw it happen on Earth.
    Of course he has no regards to the life of anyone, he is a character that only helps to repay a debt that he believes he owes.
    Sure there is dark humor here and there but it doesn't feel out of place, because he is a man without hope and is just trying to live day to day.

    Regarding Zeke's reactions, it is 30 years of civil war, and people had to live mostly underground to avoid the storms, of course you will see the rusted buildings. Those ascetics works because it works with the setting. To dismiss a game solely because of an image you see is not giving the game justice.
    But to someone that plays hundreds of games, I can see the disconnect with other viewers, but subtext is important. The rusted buildings isn't just there because they wanted it to, but because it made sense.

    The game can be good or bad, but don't dismiss the backstories of the characters when it was clearly shown in the first 20 minutes of the game.
    At the very least, outriders made the character's reactions logically and reasonably

  8. Even if Outriders WAS a Destiny clone, which it isn’t, they just recently made the genius decision to remove most of the actual content from D2, so Outriders may well be competitive.

  9. Very different fantasy fulfillment between Outriders and Anthem. Though I understand what Cohh is saying and I agree with him. Though due to Anthem and the small few red flags in the demo have me concerned.

    Outriders advertised and devs talked about the different environments. Snowy, Jungle, and such. It should be called a FREE TRIAL not a DEMO.


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