Outdated Champions: League's Ticking Time Bombs | League of Legends

Today’s video touches on the seemingly abandoned champions of League of Legends, doomed to receive only band-aid solutions to maintain their competitive viability with almost no signs pointing to being reworked to fit modern champion design standards. We’re gonna be talking about Outdated Champions, and why they’re the ticking time bombs of the game.

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#LoL #Outdated #Champions


28 thoughts on “Outdated Champions: League's Ticking Time Bombs | League of Legends”

  1. The new champs play themself, too many tools to get out. Look at pyke, you'd trhink he's "hard" but the champ literally plays himself and is so forgiving. Every normal you ever play has some tard playing pyke jhin botlane. Slow immobile champs like nasus require you to position properly, one mistep and the modern 200 years champions flies across the screen and ur insta dead

  2. Alright so Singed reworked to fit with Season 11.

    Passive: Whenever Singed moves near a Champion, he gains Movement speed bonus. If moves near 2 allied champions within the time delay he gains bonus movement speed away from enemy champions. if he moves near 3 allied champs, his adhesive duration is increased for a short period. If he moves near 4 allied champions, toxic clouds radius is slightly increased. If he moves near 2 enemy champions he gains a temporary increased range on his fling. if he moves near 3 enemy champions adhesive radius is increased. If he moves near 4 enemy champs within the time delay he gains a short duration of invisibility. If he moves near 5 enemy champs, he will be granted a shield for a duration.

    Champions damaged by singed become marked, upon 5 marked champions deaths within 30 seconds, singed begins to chant:

    "All mighty protector of the sun and sky. I beg of thee, please heed my cry. Transform thyself from orb of light and bring me victory in this fight. I beseech thee, grace our humble game but first I shall call out thy name: Winged Dragon Of Ra."

    Thus summoning the Winged Dragon of Ra out of your Nexus that begins to travel across the map towards the enemy nexus. Winged Dragon of Ra is not affected by turret damage. Once Winged Dragon of Ra reaches enemy Nexus he can deal direct damage to enemy Nexus' life points. The Winged Dragon of Ra drains Singed of all HP down to 1, and gains this as true damage.

    Error: Passive description too long to fit further skill description…

  3. Malphite: give him a way to get gigantic like cho gath but not by eating people but rather tearing apart peices of the rift to build him self stronger,add stuff like empowered abilities to him,make him get a shit ton of armor but make all of his abilities slow but highly impactful.
    Vladimir: just make him melee,(why does he have the claws if he is not gonna cut you with them?) and make him more of a tanky drain mage rather than a 1 shot burst mage with tons of healing
    Karthus: make his Q able to charge up then create 1 or 2 more explosions depending on charge time,if you tap it it does the lowest amount of dmg (no bonus isolated dmg bs) add a small stun into his W instead of an mr shred if an enemy stays inside it for long enough,then make E like Mundo's W were its in the ground for a bit then explodes dealing damage and refunding mana passive and ult can stay.
    Udyr: no comment,Riot is already handling him
    Corki: i have no idea
    Nocturne: id give him a stealth instead of that spellshield and maybe make him more burst oriented rather than sustain dmg oriented.
    Shyvana: make her a buffed mommy,simple
    Kassadin: honnestly i would drop the whole anti mage crap he has and maybe id rework his Q and E,ult and W are mostly fine imo.
    Nasus: i would combine his E and W into one and make it his ultimate were he creates a giant sandstorm that covers a large part of the map kinda like a faster more damaging Mao Kai ult,as well as making him able to stack AD and AP with Q(dont worry i would tone down the amount of AD he gets in order for it to fit) that way he has some late game impact even when he starts falling off but at the cost of a lot of tankiness,i would also maybe make his old ult his W but without it giving massive armor and mr when activated,instead giving small amounts of it based on missing HP and when activated creating an aura around him that increases in dmg based on enemy's missing hp, and maybe make his E like a projectile or something,were he throws sand at you dealing physical damage and slowing you.
    Tryndamere:,ad a passive were he deals bonus physical dmg with every third auto attack,his rage bar no longer stacks on minions,only on champions but can be kept at the amount it was when he left combat by attacking minions,when he is at full rage the bonus physical damage gets converted into crit (basically when he is at full rage his third auto always crits),Q remove the bonus AD it gives but make the heal bigger and maybe add bonus lifesteal in its place,W make a new one were he gains attack speed for the next 6 basic attacks as well as bonus rage with every third one (basically a way to stack rage easily in a 1v1), and as for old W i would remove the AD reduction entirely and place the slow on spinning slash but make spinning slash no longer reduce cooldown with autos (if it ends up hurting his all in too much then increase the range on spinning slash)and for R make the undying rage part a passive effect that comes off after you take fatal damage(plus instead of getting full rage upon activation it slowly builds up based on damage taken) and add a brief burst of movement speed upon activation that resets when tryndamere takes fatal damage.
    Veigar: just make his abilities cost stacks to empower (like for example W can throw down 3 commets in a line if he has 400 stacks but he loses 50 stacks to cast it) so that he doesnt reach a point were he gets 1200 AP, and give him a way for self peel,maybe a tiny slow or a knock back i dunno something.
    Singed: i dont wanna rework Singed because if i do so ill end up removing his uniqueness all together and just end making him a nother brawler type champ.(however id make his E an auto attack empower,make his Q his passive and remove the mana loss but make it deactivate whenever he uses an ability then reactivate when the used ability goes on cooldown,W i would make him throw a potion on the ground that slows you and increases the damage on poison then id make his ult turn him into a four armed version of hulk were he goes apeshit and starts wrecking everything.)

  4. IMO Malphite is the most horrendously outdated champion in the entire game. His whole thematic is being giant rock however this theme does not fit his kit whatsoever. His q rolls a wheel at you that when hit gives him movespeed? like what? his W and E are fine but his ult also makes zero sense. A literal mountain flying at you and knocking you up? He can still be simple but IMO he needs a more thematically coherent kit when he is supposed to be this hulking mountian. Also his damage scales off of the amount of defense he has? I think malphite needs to be reworked to have a kit that makes him a slow beefy tank with lots of cc and team fight presence. Without R in a fight malphite really doesn't do much but more AOE abilities would be better seeing as he is supposed to be a mountain

  5. I like the idea they were going for with Karthus Q but at the same time, it is janky as F and somewhat unsatisfying to be locked down by your own ability.

    Maybe make it cast/recast like Irelia stun. But it sends a line of lay wastes from where you started to where you set the recast, with the recast range being a lot farther. Each lay waste spawned deals less damage overall and costs very little mana, still keeping the extra damage on solo hit might I add. But as soon as the lay waste trail stops you can cast it again. So you can spam them in a small area close by or send out long lines of them as poke, but remember that the trail cost increases the longer you make it. Since the longer the trail the more lay wastes are spawned.

    The speed of the trail could be increased as you level it up or get more ability haste.
    It’s less detrimental to yourself what with less cast time overall, but you still have to be careful when shooting a long trail as you can’t cast it again until it has stopped.

  6. for malphite i think:
    halving the slow in his q
    same armor passive from his w
    instead of just a damaging shockwave his e should also do a miniature knockback
    and his r may or may not have an fan aoe effect each wall he passes

  7. Change Corki's w to have a charge mechanic. Tap it to have a small dash and Charge it to make it more like his passive. Balance it with a reduced movement speed while charging. Now his passive is freed up to be something different.

  8. I dont want to be saying this in bad way but i think theres no outdated hero in dota, because talent, aghanim scepter and shard still give each hero more option. This is something im sad because i cant see it in league because outdated champion are really outdated. And if they give all champion option like talent it doesnt solve and only make it complicated

  9. Honestly I think with Malphite all you'd need to do is make his Q a skillshot (keep the same range, similar to Ornn Q, deals damage to all enemies it passes through, reduced damage to minions, and slows enemy champions hit.) and make his R have Galio E style short windup first. I agree that he's supposed to be simple and this reduces some of his cheesiness while keeping his straight forward gameplay.

  10. Teemo is being trickled rn ! he’s been getting buffs to his w, q, and e; For a while ive been telling people that they dont wanna rework teemo as he is too iconic so they just give him steroids but this recent q buff is insane man. not much skill other than “time q for engage and dont spam q for mana loss” like riot needs to fix this rat before he is too strong lol. (i am a teemo main btw)

  11. Propose rework: Kassadin
    Keeping: E swipe, Ult teleport, passive ghost, W passive dealing bonus magic damage
    Kassadin has high base mr, armour, health but only gain 30% of those from items, 70% of stats converted to ability power
    Kassadin does not gain attack speed via items, only gaining a small amount level up and gain extra attack speed with more ability haste
    Attacks on enemy champions or Baron/Rift Herald apply Void Corruption, granting kassadin extra movespeed, tennactiy, refreshes duration of effect on all affected champions.
    At 3 stacks Kassadin's blade heals him for the bonus magic damage (llike wits end)
    At 5 stacks Void Corruption Kassadin becomes engulfed by the void, becoming untargettable, has no mana cost, reducing damage dealt by 70% and unable to cast any ability (or summoner spells) other than ult for 7 seconds.
    At 6 stacks Kassadin enter same state as 5 stacks, refresh duration of effect, ult now target teleport him to targets. After a delay all targets that was damaged by kassdin will be zapped by a chain lightning of flat true damage
    Q rework: Changes between 2 forms: melee or range. melee 125 range 300. Melee grants use of W and slash aoe infront of kassadin. Range grants use of E, attack damages everything in a line and can be dodged by moving to the side. Attack speed increases when haste increases. High cooldown pre 6, no cost
    W rework: melee attack. Kassadin selects a target and slam his blade onto the ground, opening a rupture that knocks up all enemies for 0.1 seconds (only for interruption), slowing for 10-30% up to 30-50% based on distance from rupture and charge time. If there are no targets kassadin instead slams onto himself.
    Hold: charges up ability over 3s to deal higher damage and increase slow. Can ult once while charging.
    E rework: no longer need to stack ability use, have normal cooldown, shorter cast time based on ability haste

  12. Update these old champs into viable new champs?

    HAHAHAH, they all gonna end up SAMIRA treatment

    –> just add in heal, shield, movespeed, % health something (dmg or heal)

  13. May be op af but mocking shout should be reworked to if they turn their backs to you when you press w they'll be taunted? Fits the theme of tryndamere's W, but of course numbers would need to be adjusted

  14. Veigar is one of my favorites so imma go with that.
    Make it such that veigar becomes an evolving champion, becoming better and better as the game goes on.

    Passive – Phenomenal Evil Power
    INNATE: Veigar gains a stack of [Phenomenal Evil] whenever he hits an enemy champion with an ability, and X stacks whenever he scores a takedown against an enemy champion.
    At X stacks: Veigar's Q now has a larger radius(hitbox) and will pass through all enemies.
    At X2 stacks: Veigar's W can now store a second charge.
    At X3 stacks: Veigar's E can now deal damage if it stuns an enemy.
    At X4 stacks: Veigars R will now execute champions at 33% of their max health or below.

    Q, W, E, R remain as is but with minor changes and a few new added quirks of my own.

    Q – Each stack of [Phenomenal Evil] adds bonus damage equal to a percentage of target's current health. Q also no longer grants a stack on minion/monster kill.
    W – Each stack of [Phenomenal Evil] reduces a percent of remaining cooldown if it kills a target.
    E – Each stack of [Phenomenal Evil] adds a percent slow within E.
    R – Each stack of [Phenomenal Evil] increases the minimum current health damage threshold.

    Veigar no longer gets AP from [Phenomenal Evil], but instead makes his life easier to hit and kill enemies with his abilities by giving him more chances to land his abilities. The rest are just number tweaks to balance it out.

  15. Ok this might not work but can we change shivana so her passive makes it so each time her team kills a dragon she can evolve an ability so make her q do a tiamat effect her w apply a burn the e cans pierce on 2 enemies when not evolved but 4 when evolved and her r can give her more resistances instead of more health

  16. Veigar
    Passive – stays the same
    Q – every 50 or 100 stacks gets more range and more targets to penetrate
    W – same
    E – same
    R – Veigar places down a black hole pulling all champions into it (Black hole) (Great synergy with his w and e) At level 6 only puls at 100 stacks bigger range , at 300 stacks does ap damage

  17. I would love to see a Corki rework that gave him his ult at LV1, and they replaced his Q and E abilities to something that would apply effects to his rockets. Also, make his W longer or give it charges like Amumu's new Q.


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