Outriders Angry Review

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AngryJoe, OtherJoe & Alex share their miserable experience with Outriders the latest looter shooter to compete with the likes of Destiny, Anthem, Division only even more frustrating!

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28 thoughts on “Outriders Angry Review”

  1. I dont believe in your reviews anymore, Joe, the game is great, has technical problems because of fucking Xbox who gave to 1 mln users game for free, its not Devs fault

  2. 10:5111:43 this is what should be stressed all the time, this is exactly what's the problem is, that's why we getting shitty games. This video must be uploaded individually and should spam all the crappy developers and publishers. People stop fucking PO'ing games you have no idea about, stop apologising to companies who took your money and then didn't deliver. Stop it!!!!

  3. This game is so fucking stupid. I dont get why this generation loves these looter shooters ill never understand it. I blame these kids now a days reason for these shit games coming out. Developers know that kids will buy any garbage they put out

  4. The very moment that I coulld see the hard drive on the PS3 I thought nooooooooooo half made games, but it was like day one patch to fix then it got bad, then really bad, then really really really not playable half made (yes HALF MADE) games coming out …. no where in any other market would you put up with this…. my wait a year before I buy is now wait 2 years as the games are soooo soooo soooo Fucked it takes 2 years + to fix them…. Thank God for the Joe`s who tell me this is a 2 year wait my friend!!

  5. Just to add on..I have 200 hours into the game (yes I enjoy it but there is SO much shit that needs to be fixed).
    1. Player Scaling is abysmal..Most people prefer to play solo due to the group scaling the enemies health by a stupid amount, unless you don't have a broken Technomancer or any sort of damage dealer in the group, RIP you gold runs.

    2. Level Scaling also sucks..If you thought that your gear/level really mattered and you'd be well overpowered from coming from a minmax build in CT15 and going into low world tiers to complete some side stuff, think again. You're actually descaled in you gear and stats, making it actually somewhat harder than actually being in your higher difficulty.

    3. Connection issues with Multiplayer is getting worse and worse..I have played a TON of multiplayer games, looter shooters, MMO's, regular PvP shooters, etc..and NONE OF THEM HAS EVER HAD CONNECTION ISSUES AS BAD AS THIS. The only time my connection was fairly stable was playing with someone who is ALSO in Southern California. I tried playing with a friend who lives in Northern California, literally same state just like 10 hours away, and we had terrible connection stability..I tried playing with a friend in the East Coast and it was even WORSE..what's weird is I actually have better stability playing with a friend who lives in SWEDEN, ACROSS THE WORLD.

    4. This is probably the last thing I'll bring up, although there's a LOT that needs to be fixed..but it's the actual BUILD DIVERSITY. What I mean by this is they made Devestator pretty useless despite that he has maybe 1 or 2 good builds that revolves around having a ton of Tier 3 mods..he was advertised to be a TANK, yet he gets ZERO agro ability. Not only this, but they made it so Firepower builds are actually the main damage dealers..F all of those that enjoy using abilities only (BTW I was able to clear Eye of the Storm solo on an Anomaly Trickster build in 8min 25 sec). A buff towards mods for Anomaly would be the only way to really make Anomaly able to compete in Damage output with Firepower builds, but unfortunately it seems like the Dev's don't understand what's needed.

    Like I said, there's a lot more to just these 4 things, for example the inventory wipes a HUGE one..that still hasn't been resolved yet, it's been nearly a WHOLE WEEK, and people are still losing their inventory.

  6. If games weren't only online it would be so much better. We could still play even when the servers are shitting themselves. I'm playing Monster Hunter Rise right now, and they separate offline and online content seamlessly.

  7. Despite the disconnects and loading screens, this is by far the best most fun coop shooter on the market right now(excluding Deep Rock Galactic… Love that game).

    The Video Memory issues is due to not Updating your video drivers. Me and my buddy have EVGA 1070 FTWs and we haven't crashed at all an we are playing through a 5th time.

    Again this luck doesn't get spread to everyone. My one bud had the same issues just like you and it sucks. I want this game to do good because it's an amazing game under all the trash on top


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