OUTRIDERS BEST LEGENDARY FARM TEST – Captain Vs Vanguard Captain Vs Chests – Which Is Fastest?

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36 thoughts on “OUTRIDERS BEST LEGENDARY FARM TEST – Captain Vs Vanguard Captain Vs Chests – Which Is Fastest?”

  1. Do you have to kill the og captain a few times so you get better loot, or do you have to finish the mission sometimes to get better loot, or just kill him permanently and die after?

  2. Overlooked method of OG Captain farm: Marksmen and Breachers can drop legendaries. I have gotten multiple drops from them. Run past the adds in the beginning as usual, instead of burning the boss immediately, run past him up the ramp. Kill the marksman hiding behind the cover, turn around and there will be another Marksmen running up the ramp behind you along with a swarm of Breachers and the boss. Kill the Breachers, Captain and 2nd Marksmen then let regular adds kill you, rinse repeat. REMEMBER there is NO way to “increase your chances for a drop” it’s RNG. However by doing this method you are able to dip into multiple drop tables to have more opportunities.

  3. I just hot my first legendary drop and it wasn't from any of thses it was a different place after the vanguard caltain there is a hoard of enemy's on the path tobtge solar tower it could possibly be a farm place but i just got one so it could be my bias/hype

  4. I’ve been grinding until today. I have 9 total legendaries. I gotta say, this grind is like pointless lol we’re going to upgrade our stuff the day the game comes out anyway😂

  5. I've just timed myself and I take 20 seconds to kill the OG Captain. Technomancer with Blighted Rounds + 2x Scrapnel + Pain Launcher and Thunderbird. (I ran another couple of tests with the auto shotgun that I was using before getting the thunderbird. Same 20s). EDIT: World tier 5

  6. You should check out this side quest from the lady sitting down on the battlefield where you cut off the captains head since repeating sidequests can give you legendaries now. there's 5 elites that can drop one and a turn in of the quest. it takes like 3-5 minutes to finish it

  7. OG>Vanguard cause of not just speed but you can quickly grab the snipers. If not for the chest nerf tomm, chest farm was best with coop. That being said I'm more than fine with chest not dropping legends. I wouldn't mind if in the full game they dropped epics tho. But I don't want chest to be as uninteractive of a farm as they are. I think it would've been better if they moved the chest instead of legends from chest. Keep them in enemy populated areas.

  8. Has anyone else had an issue with not being able to receive Legendaries in Multiplayer? Played for 5 hours with a friend in tier 5, farming the Vanguard Captain and got nothing. Went to solo and got a legendary my 2nd run, another 10 minutes later, and 2 hours later I had 7

  9. Been playing since it was on the store and no legendary drops for me perhaps I should have levelled all my classes up now that they are patching these runs and the fact I've done these farming runs for so long I'm burnt out playing this demo and not looking forward to the game now because I see it having patch after patch nerf after nerf which will end up ruining the game the hype train has left the station


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