Outriders – Brand New Updates! Square Enix Reveals Big Plans For E3 2021! Story DLC

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Outriders News Update – This isn’t big. This isn’t HUGE. This is….HUUUUUUUUUGE! :p Square Enix has revealed its big E3 2021 plans and it looks like, that yes, Outriders is going to be a part of those plans! Woohoo! Plus could Outriders see Anthem’s combo system? Let’s discuss…

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50 thoughts on “Outriders – Brand New Updates! Square Enix Reveals Big Plans For E3 2021! Story DLC”

  1. As much as I loved Mass Effect's combo system(reiterating Anthem's was a watered down version of it) I don't think it fits here. Pyro can do the whole prime/detonate thing by consuming and reapplying looping statuses, but it doesn't really make sense for say Trickster to also detonate burns. If the classes had overlapping abilities, it would make sense, but I don't really see anything they could build a combo system out of. There are a lot of status effects, but none that really make sense to prime/detonate(Take the tech explosions in ME 3, light them on fire then overload for explosions. Or Reave plus cluster grenades/biotic charge/warp for biotics). Maybe I'm just not creative enough, but I don't see it personally.

  2. Honestly – I don't get why noone is talking about the crappy loot. There is absolutely NO REASON to hunt for golden items in that game. My buddies and I turned back to play Borderlands 3 in the meantime, much better loot solutions there

  3. A combo system would be cool, but IMO it couldn't be anything like simply "take the idea from Anthem". Anthem had plenty of faster cycling skills and also it was pretty easy to have a diversity of primers and detonators, even solo, even with their disgustingly shallow loot pools.

    The higher cooldowns in Outriders would probably require changing up builds away from the many fun or meta ones in order to make priming/combos anything other than a gimmick in it's current skill/loot form. Not to mention they still have build issues like several good solo builds being subpar in MP. Should have swappable equipment sets so together with resettable class points you can switch between two builds for SP or MP on the fly.

    They also need to fix before they balance, and balance better before they worry about fluff and expansions. They already still have a huge problem with prioritizing that needs to be their focus. The end expedition kick thing for example is something that should have been an emergency patch, not wait for the next big one. Expansion won't save anything if they don't improve their decision making.

  4. I wouldn’t mind them doing stuff with other Altered’s, like the Assassination missions are good an all but we basically just fight those guys in any human expeditions as elites. I’d like to see more guys like the first electric dude and Moloch and Seth, specialised Altered’s that work as mini boss fights in Expeditions like the Moloch fight. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  5. Outriders already got three games in there mis match game, 1 Cyberpunk for your characters style, 2 Destiny for equiping random armours and blues, 3 Division 2, with certain items locked behind certain content, and of course the reduced drop rates, so hell , why dont they just add another game in the mix.
    HAVE these Devs actually added any of there Original or imaginative ideas as content or is it all copy and paste from different games. 😅

  6. What we NEED now is not story its content. Assuming the current bugs are resolved, PCF needs to focus on fleshing out Legendary armor sets and making new weapons. Furthermore, they must expand the skills and class trees, because expanding build making opportunities from all sides is one way this game's longevity will be expanded. The story is a hot wet mess, we don't need more of their cheesy and predictable storytelling. PCF just need to provide only the bare minimum story for a fleshed out endgame, with new and varied enemy types and end game modes.

  7. I'd like to see the story expanded in some way to include answering some unanswered questions leftover from the story. But as I finish up the campaign and head into expeditions I'm a little hesitant to try them with people kicking others out before everyone gets their rewards or kicking people out because they are not using the "right" class. For crying out loud people this isn't any Division game where that stuff happens. That's why I quickly gave up trying to do any of the raids. I'd like to see the timer go away also. For me who works at night I don't have much time to play when I do get a chance to play. So get rid of the time expeditions.

  8. All I care about at the minute is the BIG update to fix the broken stuff already in the game. DLC and EXPANSIONS dosnt matters at the moment until they flush out all the problems we are having now.

  9. I was actually talking to my friends about a combo system the other day. Maybe toxin doing more damage to bleeding enemies and causing more ticks per second, burn causing toxic enemies to explode on death spreading the toxin, and trickster abilities causing enemies to take all status effect damage in one big burst but cleanses the status.

  10. Love the game but and yes they need to fix all the bugs etc… but my idea for dlc is like a prequal so you can go back in time and experience the guys who landed on the planet first before you, went through the experience of the Ferrils and unleashing the anomaly.

  11. If shotgun need to have 120-150 then how much should be in automatic gun 1200-1500? don't get me wrong, it is great if they increase it but in this case other type of weapon capacity also need to be increased as well.

  12. I'm back playing the game when I watch a video from you saying: "HUGE NEWS, OUTRIDERS UPDATE JUST ARRIVED AND OMG IT FIXED THE GAME."
    This game might end up being just like Anthem, but all for the wrong reasons.

  13. that combo system you speak of . . . its not " borrowed from anthem "
    first i saw that me, but the very first, i think it was dao, those made by the same developers
    there was something about da4 postponed because da devs were " realigned " into making anthem or something isnt it ?
    so basically we gonna get dao mechanics into outriders . . . but mp is still unstable. . . because there are no dedicated servers – so stop babyraging about fixing th fing login issues
    and after my last comment, i found 3 more bugs, cant wait for them to make the engine more complicated, what could go wrong ? -.-

  14. dude, anthem itself is a lot of fun, im happy to see there is still an active player base, i can actually get into games and find matchmaking, i just wish ea had more faith in this awesome project

  15. I've already given up hope and sincerely doubt the team behind Outriders.

    I have thoroughly described my problem in several support messages. In short, I do not have access to the game at all!
    The damaged character crushes an error every time you try to log in to lobby not proper gamplay.

    Technical support replies from the machine – verification, reinstallation and the last best advice – use a different character. Applause is very helpful.

  16. I absolutely love outriders i hope we get some more content or road map soon I will continue to play…..the only thing that would make me quit playing is if they nerf my class(technomancer) dont do UT again!!!!! And for the love of god buff the devastator or give them a skill to hold agro they would be a major group asset if they could group up all the enemy's in a confined area for the team

  17. I would love a new game plus which would take up where your current level is. I am only lol 46 I cannot seem to get any weapons to get past ct11 as a solo player. Love the game though. Keep up the good work keeping us all informed

  18. the only things they can implement quickly are nerfs. creating a lobby to be able to see what game you are joining takes time and resources and it may make the connectivity worse with somewhere else to load into.

  19. They don't need a server browser, they just need a way to set various parameters when queuing up such as ping tolerance and an option to choose what content + tier value. Then when you go to the matchmaker, look for games less than 100 ping and doing CT15

  20. I realy loved all the DLC's from Guildwars… I hope they will do it like that… And with every DLC a new character that comes from that part of the new map (DLC) If you know Guildwars, you know what i am talking about 🙂

  21. Crashing more than a demo derby. Not sure if they should add anything until fixed. And the fact that people still haven't received the inventories that were lost. Scuffed early access game

  22. The game was introduced as story driven when revealed way back…obviously that should be the dlc focus. All else falls in appropriately behind that.
    But…FIX THE LAG.

  23. I think Anthem was the best game I’ve ever played in terms of combat and visuals. Especially with the flying/movement mechanics.

    To see that game die was painful because it had so much potential. I wish someone would just buy the game rights and remake it.

  24. Square needs announce FF7 Remake PC/Windows/Steam/Epic/GOG/G2A edition like their revenue streams depended on it… (G2A was mentioned as it's over a year now and we be damned if we pay full price for an overdo port that shouldn't need too much polish). The Bethesda merger was too much and Sony is lashing out.


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