Outriders Demo | Anthem Cancelled | PlayStation Games to PC – Scumcast Ep. 141

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16 thoughts on “Outriders Demo | Anthem Cancelled | PlayStation Games to PC – Scumcast Ep. 141”

  1. I'm surprised no one mentioned Big Rigs for the PS2 when talking about the worst game they've played. That game got two sounds, no collision detection, and a whole type that says "You're Winner."

  2. Ms.luca loves to present herself as this neutral logical videogaming enthusiast.
    but the reality is, like any crime drama tv show, there is a closet, sus basement, or odd shed in the yard that holds some sinister secrets šŸ˜‰

    This woman collecting pony shins and hooves like the bone collector serial killer she is šŸ˜‰
    As much as i love listening to this woman…i have a shank tapped under the desk and a loaded .22 under the pillow when i click "start" šŸ˜›

  3. worst game for me?
    x-men on nintendo. As a kid i LOVED the xmen. i was soooo psyched for the game and the box art had all the xmen i loved and i thought i was goin to get non-stop mutant action.

    Dear god..it was a top down MESS. Atari era grafixs, indiscernible box enemies, and it played like some f-@#K up top down SHUMP. 90% of the cast was completely useless and cheap hits were at every turn.

    To make matters worse…to finish the game u needed to do a trick on the tutorial battle room stage and NOTHING IN THE GAME OR MANUAL alluded to this. so not only was the game crap, as a kid i thought it was broken because i couldn't reach the end.

    It was a powerful lesson for me as i spent my own money on this crap and felt completely robbed. DO NOT TRUST THESE COMPANIES, they will happily sell u shovelware if they can.

  4. Watch Dragon Age be single player like the recent Hitman games where it requires a constant online connection to their servers and if it disconnects you can't progress properly šŸ˜¬

  5. This whole argument that Sony is putting games on PC for profit because they ''suddenly realise a whole market" just does not make sense to me. PC has ALWAYS been a potential market from PS 1 eras. Was there no PC market then? And if they are in search of a bigger market, guess what, Xbox is ALSO a market, Sony can make more money putting their games to even more platforms.

    I think there is a much better reason out there as to why Sony is putting games on PC, maybe we will learn in a couple of years. But this whole "profit" narrative is not enough.


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