Outriders – The Big News Update IS HERE: Free Legendary Gift! Cross Play News! Patch Notes!

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Outriders News Update โ€“ This is BIG! Square Enix and PCF just released their biggest update about the game, including the fact players will be given a free โ€ฆ


36 thoughts on “Outriders – The Big News Update IS HERE: Free Legendary Gift! Cross Play News! Patch Notes!”

  1. are you serious? so in lieu of making the other abilities more fun and appealing, you nerf the bullet abilities into the fucking ground. why are you taking fun away from people. let people play…

  2. If theyโ€™re going to nerf things then we should have a bit of a increase in class points. Why work so hard and put so much thought into a build if youโ€™re going to nerf the main component of that build?

  3. Not a fan of Devs doing massive kneejerk nerfs and and increasing difficulty at the same timen usually causes a rubber band effect on buffs and nerfs because when you change too much at once you cant isolate actual required changes and appropriate amounts.

  4. No no no I knew they would kill my techno. I had this build since the beginning. If you look at the class/skill tree, players are basically lead down that path. Nothing else lays down enough damage when fighting in world Tier 9 or higher on solo play.

  5. I havenโ€™t finished the game yet but if by chance I would be dope if they would show us more about the natives of Enoch it would be dope it see how they became and how they got there powers

  6. Boy, I sure do appreciate the free legendary. Sure makes up for the 20 times or more I've been blue screened on my PS4 while halfway through an expedition or even on the boss. 20 runs x 15 pieces of loot= 300 pieces of loot from 44-49. You give me ONE legendary. Owe wow! You're so kind!

  7. So they're removing legendary rewards from bounty's and monster hunts?? They just removed all incentive for the missions other than expeditions at endgame. Is there any reason to do those missions anymore?

  8. "An appropriate leveled legendary weapon" okay..so..do we get a choice..cause as a Technomancer if you give me a Legendary Shotgun Ima just leave it in the bank for when I start leveling a Devestator (or I'll break it down for w/e, hopefully, great mods are on it). I'd prefer some kind of assault rifle. A sniper would be great as well but I do have a Legendary in that category already (just have to level it up).

  9. Oh god…don't nerf techonmancer's bullet damage..its the only reason I'm surviving most of my arena style encounters. I don't have a dart/teleport ability like the Trickster or the Devestator and I don't have HUGE burst like the Pyromancer. I'm more of a steady damage build. Take away my bullet damage..ima die! O.o

  10. Those nerfs are absolute bs… you know why top tree techno? Because the other just SUCK!!! Nerfing stuff is just a lazy way of handling stuff, make the other trees worth playing instead of nerfing the most valuable one -.-
    Just buff every thing so that we WANT to play it instead of making what we have less interesting -.- just stupid

  11. No one wants nerfs, including myself. However, one thing I know about balancing games is that dev's work against a threshold marker for power, not just "max power" like many players dream of. If something pushes damage beyond this threshold, then it gets nerfed. This is the reality of game balance, and is critical to reducing power creep and the host of associated issues that come with it. I would always prefer a buff over a nerf, but I understand that the reality is that nerfs will simply happen. It's actually one of the reasons I've avoided the bullet builds so far, my gut feeling was they were simply too powerful, and I didn't want to set myself up for disappointment.

  12. Nooooo, not Nerfs, say it isn't so, Why would they do that?? This game isn't as rewarding as they think it is, well, at least not for me anyway!! I barely get any loot to drop most of the time, I can see them removing the bug from the Quests, but taking the legendaries from them period, is Wrong!! You barely get any legendaries from the game as is, I have no idea how many hrs, I've put into this game and the demo, but its a hell of a lot, I've gotten maybe 6 to 8 total I think, from the demo and the game, now they talking them out of different things in game, so I don't see it being too rewarding, its honestly nowhere near rewarding enough, if you ask me!! I don't get how its to generous or rewarding to get a legendary for grinding 10 bounties, 10 Hunts and 10 History Missions, you should get a Legendary for each of those at the end, no matter how many times you run it, I mean its only 3 max for 30 different things!! I'm not gonna to lie, I'm really upset with the Devs right now due to all of this, they may want to rethink things a bit before going forward, before they ruin their own game by, nerfing and giving the players no reason to grind or play the game!!!

  13. Like I don't know what happened but when the game first came out I had hardly any connection problems. A little here or there but not bad. Matchmaking never worked and co-op was iffy. NOW I get dashboarded every 15 minutes and can hardly do anything. I'm on XBSX. Super frustrated right now

  14. They just fucked up, they did the same thing AC did, lets make the game more grindy and more bullet spongy, instead of raising the other skill lets nerf stuff. This has no pvp, so it make no sense to nerf thing they should of just raised everything other skills and the difficulty of the enemy.

  15. I know most of you are unhappy with these nerfs. I actually like the idea of nerfing the overused/overpowered instead of buffing everything else. This game is intended to be a challenging looter shooter. I like the challenge, I like legendries being fairly scarce. This is no borderlands. Pretty excited as new balancing patches come out, giving us multiple routes to take our builds for each character. I like the idea of having to make unique builds to excel.

  16. If the devs at PCF were smart they should listen to the community and not nerf these classes and just buff the other builds. This will piss a lot of people off and turn them away from the game.

  17. Off topic…EA sells Anthem IP to SE and eventually they give it to PCF and re-Launch or at least add some of the world and monsters to Outriders…I mean they both have some similarities and with how Anthem worked it could be something that was happening in another dimension…idk how to properly word it I'm just spit balling while at work… #IMissMyJavelins #PyromancerIsGrowingOnMe


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