Pantheon's Rework: The MANLIEST Rework In League of Legends

Today’s episode of the Rework Retrospective series features one of my favorite reworks of all time! Let’s talk about Pantheon: The Unbreakable Spear

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50 thoughts on “Pantheon's Rework: The MANLIEST Rework In League of Legends”

  1. What's your favorite Pantheon Quote? My two are, "The people cry out for strength that is already theirs!" and "After every defeat, I ran around the mountain until even shame could not keep up!"

  2. Im in love with his theme. I mean just look at it . Its so fckin cool . I have it on my spotify list since release . This is how a rework must be done so pls riot dont force , take ur time and give us such reworks and music.

  3. I agree with this, the rework of Pantheon was amazing considering how much old Pantheon was single trick everytime. Pantheon was one of the the first champions I have ever played when I got into LOL, and it was a blast. But as time went on he started to fall completely behind all the new champions then he got his rework. I heard stories of Pantheon when his rework came out that he was a absolute nightmare cause he could block everything including tower shots when ever he wanted and did huge amounts of damage. Then..the nerfs a lot and lot of nerfs came. I 100% agree that the tower shot needed to go cause that was completely unbalanced as hell but I wish they didn't make half of his kit weaker. Now, in the new session I can barely find a good build for him and LOL wont buff him anymore now. To me, hes A Tier in mid and top rarely S if someone Is amazing with him. But for support and buttom, C he's just horrible. One day and I'll pray that Riot will do something for him make it where he dosen't fall to far behind in late game

  4. I main pantheon, didnt paly befor reqork but i love him rly manly and cool i love listening to his theme in the gym and my favorit quote is "let this day be legend" or "aatrox has slaughtert gods but now he faces a man"

  5. The guy in charge of this rework has a habit of having simplicity with a lot of substance to it. He also had a lot to do with Sett. Glad he's in a lead champ design spot nowadays. I mean heck, even as overloaded as some champs are these days, they aren't flavorless complexity like Aphelios was at release. They have substance.

  6. I do think the rework wasn't really "good", he was just the same champion but in different flavour, and with stupidly high amounts of cumload damage. Then he got so nerfed that he could hardly not be played as an even more cheesier version of old Panth or also as a support, role in which he maybe was a little stronger than he should. The mini rework is what I do feel was the real thing, made him very balanced and more than playable (It can be said he's fairly strong and not stupidly OP with the Q bugfix, and in top at least, doesn't require you to be playing as a counterpick. In fact, he has more good/even matchs than opentop/ bad matchs) around almost all sololanes and support is still playable, but mostly as a counterpick.

    'Bout lore, nothing more to say that I fucking love him + The Ruin never happened

    "I've met my limits a thousand times, and still, I press further"

  7. Can you do another video on rework about Fiora, and can you cover stuff like why they did not gave her a new voice lines, hype teasers, champion spotlight since Fiora's rework is completely a overhaul VGU of the her but they got lazy not even introducing or announcing her rework I just wanna know so I can live in peace. Like before her rework Gangplank was first but he received some love for Riot like having teasers and events but Fiora they just did a VGU ang insert her files into the game and since the every champion that had been reworked received a teaser and new champion spotlights. PLS DO THIS ONE Vars bud it would be an honor!

  8. The rework pantheon was a project and it failed completely. We all know this, but the problem is that they don't want to acknowledge this, and they don't want to bring back old pantheon. and yes pantheon rework is not op he so bad and we need to back old pantheon the rework is bad riots say that an old Pantheon is unskilled and does not have skil shot So they changed it but miss fortune and Malphite and Teemo Nobody talks about them. but Riots like them and think they are good champions and have skills Riot They changed old Pantheon, but why don't they change Those Champions too and yes Most people like the pantheon rework He became very weak and every champion can Outskilling him

  9. Little side note,there was not a single pantheon one trick who could reach challenger,let alone maintain it,after his rework.Majority of them even dropped the game.

  10. @vars I have an idea for a video, it's about skill ceilings and how it relates to balance. I have discussed with many friends on how high skill champs should not have that much potential to do way better things than a brain dead champ if you just put in the hours. I compare riven to gp on that aspect, gp is high skill with a clear weakness: mobility, while the only weakness of riven is the hands of the player. This compared most low skill champs having built in weaknesses. Do you think high skill champs should have way more potential than low skill ones to outplay ganks or 1v3 with a small item lead of you play correctly?

  11. I miss old pantheon, new pantheon is definetly more healthy but i love how braindead old pantheon was, like he's still easy but you could play old pantheon with your toes.

  12. Can you make an episode about the wiki, how slowly it updates and how incredibly bitchy the admins there are?

    They get upset and send you a threat message if you update things to reflect numbers they havent kept up with. Its really weird to say "hey everyone contribute" and then have a god complex over it. I have a feeling the "how slowly it updates" is directly related to the last point.

  13. Though I'm a WR player, I loved to play Pantheon as jungle. Ganks at lvl 2 was very fun to do as it easily snowballs my ally whom ive ganked to (mostly mid). I had one game with him and basically bullied the hell out of the enemy jungler, the game ended with them having no kills (they arent bots, i believe it was ranked/pvp at gold). Enemies stands no chance against Pantheon when he gets a kill or two.


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