Patch 10.16b Rundown | League of Legends

0:00 – Intro
3:00 – Champions
45:30 – TL;DR
Patch notes:


32 thoughts on “Patch 10.16b Rundown | League of Legends”

  1. 19:00 if they really wanted to buff gragas in jungle only, they could've made it so his W damage reduction is increased vs minions and monsters. That would literally buff him in jungle only. (or stun duration on E increased vs minions and monsters.)

  2. Honestly Phreak, you should consider doing regular videos in which you break down full length gameplay at different ranks. Or even do that for some professional games to where you can take your time and dive into meta and team comp. I love the length if your rundowns. Rather than cramming a bunch of content together, you take the time to really dive deeply into topics and ideas. Keep up the awesome work, and please consider my idea. I know you're likely extremely busy, but may be an option worth exploring

  3. I love the Caitlyn rant. There are important reasonings and considerations to make when designing anything and the extra mov speed was unnecesary and forced. I still think Caitlyn is insanely overtuned lmao

  4. Phreak as a Gold 1 Kaisa main I need to address you on your "kaisa doesnt ever build crit" comment. I'm still out here building IE first item > rageblade > hurricane, which is like the season 8 kaisa build.

    Real talk though I'd like to here your thoughts on this build if you see this comment. Why did everyone stop building this way aside from manamune being a strong alternative option?

  5. "A short video" 50 minutes long video.

    In Brazil we have a measuring unit for youtube videos called "pirulla" for short videos like this. I think it's fair we create an English version named after Phreak.

  6. 31:28 She's not always running Guardian, actually. Guardian is the most frequent Sona/Lux duo rune page, but for regular Sona support, she prefers to go Aery unless it's a hard engage match-up, similar to many other enchanters. And the issue is, Sona as a standard support isn't statistically out of line, particularly in relation to standard enchanter Lux's performance — it's the duo lane of Sona/Lux that's overperforming, which is dependent on double support item abuse which needs to be addressed on its own, because it can and will be abused on other champions; and the synergistic relationship between Guardian, Shield Bash, and Revitalize, which also needs to be addressed on its own.

    35:10 Completely wrong on her builds. Support Sona doesn't go Redemption, people rarely get Lich Bane that late if they're getting it at all anymore. Nobody who actually plays her regularly will tell you that she ever, in any situation, wants to go Redemption. Look at her pick and win rate stats for Redemption and you'll see it's consistently at the bottom of win rates when bought, no matter where in her build, and no matter how high its purchase rate is. Her standard support build is Archangel's + Athene's + situational, which is often either Ardent Censer or Mejai's if she picked up an early Dark Seal. Sona gets approaching 300 AP in her standard support build, because she needs AP to actually make use of her kit in the late game, where her low base values mean she doesn't just get to abuse Heal/Shield Power by itself and coast to victory. The change does not just affect "farming Sona."

    Now, will these nerfs force her to adjust her build somewhat, between runes and items? Probably. But should she be getting forced to do that when the issues that are putting her out of line are systemic, rather than champion-specific? No. This is "let's nerf Sona because of Kleptomancy/Aery, then realize the problem is actually Kleptomancy and Aery" all over again.

  7. I personally would like longer pro games last season the latest I found was 80 min. I personally think shorter Pro games suck. Because I personally like it if everyone is full build and then they just fight. And then the better fighting team wins.

  8. im sorry but nothing pisses me off more than having someone completely Int the game away going 06 in 8 mins
    then votes no on the ff. I can handle the inting, it happens sometimes. But purposefully and intentionally forcing 4 other people to stay in a game THEY RUINED cause reasons should legit be a bannable offense

  9. Riot has stated they don't want to touch Lillia at all until the worlds patch passes over. Any interesting thoughts on her position as a pick in pro vs solo queue? Any explanation as to why she's succeeding more in top lane than jungle?

  10. I was really hyped to compare patches and their effects on champ winrates, but there is no way I can find any historical champion winrate data, let alone through an API to make it easy. If anyone has a way to find that info, it'd be gr8

  11. I doubt you'll see this, but using kai'sa E in the late game always results in a loss of dps because of the long ass time it locks you out of attacking. This change will not make it worth to use still in scenarios where you can attack freely.


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