Patch 10.19 Rundown | League of Legends

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34 thoughts on “Patch 10.19 Rundown | League of Legends”

  1. I wonder if Aphelios mid might be quietly strong, paired with a supportive jg because his strength is so tied to levels. Also, I'm really surprised we haven't been seeing more trist, she got buffs ages ago that I thought were comparable to cait's but she's nowhere to be seen.

  2. I disagree with the we're afraid Akali might take over nerfs. She was winning and losing and the bans were more comfort bans or rather uncomfort bans than they were that she was overpowered.

  3. 29:22 I love you even more for this correction. You do seem to have a more Stannis approach to casting this season. Bluntly speaking on gameplay even if it comes of as hilarious flame to the fans. Keep up the good work!

  4. Phreak you should do a patch rundown or something with Blaustoise. He's been making game design videos recently and I feel like you guys are both really insightful when it comes to balance and/or game design in general.

  5. I don’t get these changes. I feel favorism towards LCS here over other regions. Some champions ONLY NA players play is getting buff ex Ivern and Irelia, while Other regions are getting their champions nerfed Ex Lucian and Akali which is never played in NALCS.
    I am not sure if they are showing favorism towards LCS with these changes, but similar patch happened in the mage bot meta. Where NA was the one region who hadn’t put Mages into their bot.

    These worlds patch are clearly unfairly made to reduce the chance of other regions winning.

  6. They nerf cait because they want more xayah rakan relevance against whats leftover. Literally no reason not to play them now except against draven teams with ashe and senna seemingly not as strong. We'll see Jhin but xayah rakan stonks have gone UP

  7. While you probably know this I feel like you glanced over the fact that Caitlyn's 0.5% attackspeed growth nerf is, in a way, even less significant on Caitlyn due to her significantly lower Base attackspeed/AS ratio (whichever you prefer to call it depending on if you factor her 20% level 1 bonus into base or not). She simply gains less attackspeed per 1% bonus attackspeed than every other champion except Jhin, Senna, and Graves.

  8. Do you think having too large a pool of viable adc's will actually reduce the number of adc's seen in pro. I believe teams might think, if you cant force the opponents down a tier, why ban any adc's, resulting in top 2 adc's picked every time? wording not super great on that, but hopefully the idea is clear enough.

  9. The build change is likely going to help him top lane. The early buff to the damage is going to help his phoenix IBG/FH builds, and the AP buff will make getting LT second feel a lot better.

    I don't think that buffing them separately always works out. In previous versions of the game there have been builds in which you maxed both Q and R to maximize clear times. I could imagine that happening if the R->Q or Q->R combo made camp clearing too clean, even though it's less likely these days due to jg scaling being pulled back.

  10. I feel like Cait probably just needs a rework, at least a minor one. She's kind of a degenerate champion, by which I mean that her being strong almost seems inevitably meta-warping. She's also a classic champ who isn't particularly exciting to play, so she has just fluctuated over the years from meh to OP and rarely/never seems to be just good but not warping.

  11. I think I have made my opinions on the Sylas buff pretty clear at this point. I would just like to point out that Showmaker (arguably the best midlaner at worlds) has been hard spamming the champ since the patch. Coincidence?

  12. What do you get if you add Phage as a passive, Statikk Shiv for W, Banshee's Veil for E and Shurelya's Reverie for R?
    She needs a rework.

    Ever since her rework in 2011 I've been wishing her a proper rework that would realize her identity properly.
    She's known for throwing a boomerang that returns but on her autos it just disappears and she pulls another one out of nowhere. I wish she were redesigned to have Graves or Jhin style ammo system limited to single boomerang and her autos and abilities consuming it to work.


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