PATCH 11.5 RUNDOWN FOR ADC MAINS | League of Legends patch 11.5 rundown

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13 thoughts on “PATCH 11.5 RUNDOWN FOR ADC MAINS | League of Legends patch 11.5 rundown”

  1. I like these patch review videos. I don't know much about the different nerfs and buffs on the champs so the info in the vids r rly helpful. Plus I don't know the kits of a lot of champs so its rly nice to hear the explanation and opinion πŸ™‚

  2. So far I was testing stuff, and I wonder. Why is nobody building cd/ lethality items. I have seen some crazy stuff and have great sucsess. Especialy with varus, sivir, ezreal, cait (yeah cait lethality is stronger then crit btw). And about the move ment speed. Imagin karma/sivir/ udyr/darius to run at you from Bush at the speed of light. Abuse speed as long as it isnt nerfed. PS i have been trying Dark harvest on ez. Guess what. You were right about it as long as you get life steal stacked. Thank you πŸ€—

  3. Glad to hear you've been trying azir bot lane! It's a lot less troll than it might sound, especially if your team would have been full ad otherwise. Could we maybe get a video on that, if he doesn't feel too bad in lane after the nerf?

  4. 1 sec to twitch's ult in all levels is great! Now lethal tempo makes much more sense; it was kinda difficult to take advantage of it before because the ult was kinda off when lethal tempo was starting to kick in. Now you can get some insane atack speed with the ult on. Of course twitch is still weak early on compared to champs like kai'sa, but im pretty happy with the buff πŸ™‚


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