Patch 11.7 Rundown | League of Legends

0:00 Intro
3:15 Alistar – Kai’Sa
21:12 Kindred – Thresh
39:56 Tristana – Yorick
49:10 Items
1:16:51 Remaining changes
1:19:20 tl;dr

Patch notes:


32 thoughts on “Patch 11.7 Rundown | League of Legends”

  1. If anything they should really nerf Kai'sa Q, it does way too much damage for a targeted, spammable ability. Her ult is definitely good, but it's seems so broken because she launches onto the back line, presses Q, and basically one shots the other carry

  2. I agree about the bruiser items being all over the place i also get really ranty everytime i talk about it. It just doest makes sense, IMO id prefered triforce to be a 3700 Gold item and being super stat efficient kinda like before. It feels so bad that the AD amp is on your base AD it keeps the item really niche being so stat inneficient without taking into account spellblade.

  3. I’ve been banned from 13 twitch chat channels as of 3/31/21 due to every message I send being phreak praise and advertising phreaks twitch channel and YouTube. 🙂

  4. Phreak, I believe the tforce fix is to make it a legendary item. Then it can be used with the other fighter or tank items. For example, I would like to have this item on shen as my one non tank item but cannot justify the lose of the tank Mythic unless I am going to build multiple damage items and hope I can 1v2 in the side lanes. Seasons 5-8 there were a grouping of Champs that went Tforce in no tank successfully but then that was overshadowed by new items and then removed completely this year.

  5. The Ashe buff is a tiny bit more meaningful than you make it out to be. I may be wrong, but most people don't build much AH/CDR on her since the item rework (new ER is worse for her than old), so a flat cooldown buff on her ult is probably trying to give her back some of that power. That said, it's still just a "feels nice" buff, not much more.

  6. The only change I would ever really ask to see on braum is his R adding a passive stack. I wouldn’t even mind his knock up being .75 seconds no matter what with that change. Is there a way to give riot feedback directly?

  7. @Phreak I always thought that the attack speed on Stride Breakers was the major issue for balance. Would you agree they need to remove AS from the item and increase the health, or swapping the health and as for Divine Sunderer. It would make the auto for Sunderers effect smoother. Emphasizing the cast auto trade pattern, and make Stride breaker more about the stick in and stay in a fight with your tankiness and move speed.

  8. Speak about Chemtank turning Hecarim into the best champion in the game.
    Chemtank also turned Alistar into the best top laner in the game, he is pretty damn hidden, but people who look into stats can see that Alistar not only got nerfed cause his pro status, but cause some players has 75+% winrate on the damn champion in Dia+.
    I love that Riot nerfed Alistar, not cause of Pro play but cause they looked at the actual stats of the champion.

    Not gonna lie doe, he is still super OP and straight out ruins games if you play juggernauts. I am an urgot player and got very sad going against Ali. Hardest counter outside of Jayce.

  9. About the Hecarim point: there is 1 jungle champion who was meta at the start of the year that I didn't hear him bring up. Taliyah got nerfed out of the meta. IDK if that has anything to do with anything though


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