Patch 12.4 Rundown | League of Legends

0:00 – Intro
1:47 – Aatrox
3:02 – Amumu
4:34 – Ashe
5:00 – Blitzcrank
6:20 – Dr. Mundo
9:45 – Illaoi
13:11 – Kalista
13:24 – Lucian
14:21 – Nami
14:34 – Neeko
19:02 – Nunu
20:41 – Qiyana
22:11 – Rumble
24:37 – Sett
25:48 – Veigar
27:28 – Xayah
29:09 – Zeri
38:47 – Systems
45:04 – tl;dr

Patch notes –


34 thoughts on “Patch 12.4 Rundown | League of Legends”

  1. I would have said 5 auto attacks (Qs) would be a better analysis for Zeri's E refund because your first Q doesn't impact E due to you using it and then E dashing to reset Q. It is arbitrary but probably more accurate for most situations.

    I am curious on why they want to move Zeri to crit. What's wrong with a bruiser ADC? That seems neat to me, like the old old original Urgot. That's kinda the vibe I get from Zeri with her long range attacks. Not the same, sure, but I feel like the neat off builds allow for more flexibility and adaptability in the game. Having crit or bruiser options being viable seems optimal but it doesn't seem like Riot wants them both to be viable.

  2. Why not have objective bounties scale more heavily instead of being so binary? The whole 15s to 5s change seems like it still isn't fixing the key issue of it being a large catchup mechanism instead of a healthier bonus. If the objective bounty bonus was a super flexible number then it wouldn't be such a big deal to get or not get. It might not feel as important but it definitely would be mathematically and people would still go for it, even if it was only like a 50g bonus.

  3. The only patch rundown I actually watch in its entirety.
    I'm not great at math, but is it possible that Stride Breaker could become OP if used by the right tank/bruiser champs?

  4. How do you decide on the approximation of how much gold a champion has on any given level? (This approximation is then used to approximate which items a champion has on a given level, e.g. on your Illaoi table where you mention that you accounted for items she might have bought)

    I was trying to do similar analysis the other day, but couldn't find a good approximation for how much gold a champion based on champion level (same problem with an approximation of experience based on game time).

  5. 26:27 The only problem with that bot lane targeted nerf is that because so many ad mids are strong right now and hard to almost impossible to punish for old style mages, that nerf still in practice nerfs mid lane harder so veigar won't move. Instead, changes like this will just slowly lock him into bot lane. It's why seraphine, while having even lower armour, still does better apc bot than mid.

    36:57 And this is what I hate that the bruiser build has done. That CD reduction and the e being up soon after if you land autos was more meaningful for the crit build as it allowed you to not as much be like other ads and be super vulnerable or zoned out of fight for seconds at a time without someone actually 'zoning' you. Bruiser build can stay for a few extra seconds (prob not the full nerf worth) but crit can't.

    42:56 Basically this change is just a mental buff to league players in general and a mental nerf to players in champ select wanting to pick janna smite top.

  6. I've played a bunch of stridebreaker Aatrox and here's what I can say: the winrate bump is entirely due to the extra attack speed on the item vs the omnivamp on goredrinker. Omnivamp is a pretty bad stat on Aatrox (unintuitively) whereas having a baseline of attack speed to quickly stack up conqueror and use his passive is very important when trying to win 1v1 in side lane. However if you are like me and prioritize legend alacrity, that's pretty much all the attack speed you need and the healing potential of goredrinker during ult is really what gives him his teamfighting potential, rather than an extra slow which is generally redundant in a team fight. Say what you want about stats on U.GG, until the pick rate of stridebreaker exceeds 10% of games played I'm going to take that data with an extra large grain of salt.

  7. I think the discussion of Illaoi as a Triforce user is an interesting one because Triforce gives you more AD based on a % your base AD per hit, and Illaoi has the single highest Base AD of any champion (not including Mega Gnar), so theoretically she's getting more of a bonus from it than anyone. From testing, this bonus also counts towards the 200% base AD Sheen activation damage on next hit after ability usage. So could be worth considering!

  8. 17:00
    level scaling in my opinion should just be removed, I dont really see any benefits of them much, it acts more like a lock to cap champions snowball potential.
    I am an Asol main, and the main damage source comes from the stars which has a terrible ap scaling, capped with level scaling, where in reality you do not want to play for the late game scaling even though the numbers are shown his win rate tells a different story. It is frustrating to try to roam with a terrible low dmg output ability capped by level scaling and trying to create a lead in the early game because Asol in mid game is the weakest.

  9. Hey Phreak, forgive me if you've already done this, but would you be interested in doing a video on the concept of scaling and what makes a late game vs early game champion or team comp? I always enjoy trying to assess team comps and determine which ones scale better into the mid or late game, but I've realized that my knowledge in this area is lacking.

  10. Thanks Phreak!! I found this series a few months ago and it has become my go to every patch now. Thank you for the deep dive into all of the changes, it really helps to bring some of them into perspective. Keep up the great content!!


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