PATCH 12.7 PREVIEW & Balance Changes! Season 12 League of Legends

Today we’re taking a look at all of the buffs, nerfs & changes coming to the rift next week in Patch 12.7! Don’t forget to check out our website! ►

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Created with Vale


00:00 Intro
00:28 Champion Buffs
00:30 Gwen
01:02 Pantheon
02:08 Yasuo & Yone
02:36 Wukong
03:30 Neeko
03:49 Gangplank
04:14 Kalista
04:31 Lillia
05:00 Karthus
05:20 Champion Nerfs
05:23 Zeri
06:38 Ryze
07:09 Lee Sin
07:25 Jayce
07:40 Champion Adjustment: Rengar
08:11 System Buffs
08:50 System Nerfs
09:53 Thanks for Watching!


25 thoughts on “PATCH 12.7 PREVIEW & Balance Changes! Season 12 League of Legends”

  1. Many people sleep on pantheon…he is a flex on 3 roles who is incredibly strong at roaming, winning lanes, getting ahead and snowball. Especially with the bork dmg buff his dmg is insane. Many people say he doesnt scale well…but he has a insane 1 vs 1 potential with with champions loosing 75% of their healthbar to 3 abilitys dealt by a bruiser with insane low cd on his main dmg ability: Q. And if thats not enaugh…you can ult into a teamfight from half map…if coordinated well he can be a mad problem to deal with and i hope to see him shine in proplay cuz he would really fit the playstyle of some games

  2. It blows my mind that these much more popular champs are getting buffs, especially champs like yas and yone, when Kled is completely irrelevant and his core items have been gutted.

  3. Why don't they just remove Zeri from the game, along with Ryze. Just remove the dmg from gale force active and reduce the cool down. Why are they keeping it an offensive item when adc wants it mostly for an escape. Just have it only available to marksman.

  4. Galeforce nerf is pointless, most adcs now only build this items cuz it's the only viable item for them since other adc mytics sucks (despite kraken in some situations, but galeforce dash is still too much value most of the times because there is way too much damage and mobility currently), so now basically every adc mytics are pretty trash and adc are gonna become even weaker than they currently are.


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