Peak NA league of legends in 1 min

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30 thoughts on “Peak NA league of legends in 1 min”

  1. – Honestly, it was a pretty good team fight: a lot of small outplays.
    – Closer staying on Baron also kind of made sense, it looked like 100T easily win this 4v5 or at least stall long enough for the baron to be killed.
    – Closer going 1v4 in the end also was a pretty cool move, he knew his damage and I can respect a player for that.

    Overall idk why people are so negative here. If it was LPL everybody would've been screaming: "this is how you play LoL, this is so cool, LPL winning worlds!11". You get this kind of team fights in LPL all the time.

  2. I think this is just 100t being too greedy and cocky and then closer saving the day. Like this is no where as bad as clg or flyquest stealing jose's mark.

  3. if fly get baron there, game would of been different as shit as the gameplay is closer kinda smurfed it.
    id be fuming if my team left baron to go die like that ahaha

  4. This is very awkward decision 100T have to make, I don’t see any major int or anything, you guys may say why don’t they finish baron? They really can’t finish it in time, small chance they will lose it and lost the team fight and also a very big chance that they will all due to aphelious and victor. Instead while Fly have have to make the decision to give or walk into sylas with gnar ult, 100T decide to punish Fly but just perform badly.

  5. Thats not even the worse have you seen CLG drafring a fighting comp just to dive up everything in the game for free until the lose. Its just match fixing just NA styl with no money involved.


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