Perfectly Designed: Volibear | League of Legends

After covering Fiddlesticks and Twisted Fate, I decided to talk about another really awesome rework, turning a champion who almost no one played into someone with a very healthy pick rate! So let’s talk about Volibear: The Relentless Storm!

Perfectly Designed Playlist:

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49 thoughts on “Perfectly Designed: Volibear | League of Legends”

  1. Vars: I dont remember any instance someone was unhappy to see voli in their team
    Latin americans: DALE VOLI DALEEEEEEEE!

    XD my mind went right there bros and I havent play in a while

  2. I personalet think that TOPLANE voli is unhealthy to lane against. You can’t rly do short or extended trade vs him cuz his e base dmg is so strong and the heal on his second W.

    Don’t rly have an issue with jg voli, more turbocumtank.

    Obviously he has counter pick, just dont think that a champion should be able to beat almost every Melee champ while being paraded as a tank type champion.

    But I’m not rly about the whole “thematic aspect” of his character, just speaking of his in-game play

  3. I jungled a game as him not long after his rework. The enemy To tried to invade me level 2. He didn't expect me to take E at level 2 instead of Q, so I was able to get a good deal of damage and a nice shield off for a kill.

  4. Also, I'm an adc main these days and I love Volibear as a champion. Both as an ally and an enemy, he feels really good to play against.

    I see him picked on the enemy team and I pick Ashe and shred him. He can't reach me because of my slow, while I still do so much damage to him by nuking his HP with BotRK.

  5. Wait! hold up! Are we going to ignore the fact that this dude put Wukong among 200 years champion. WHAT? I've never seen a wukong 1v5. And he's counter is obviously go ap against him. Have you seen he's base Mr? And you said it your self he's a diver our mission is to make that ADC BOY stressed and panicked 😂

  6. Faced an arelion sol once. He died 0 times and i couldn't kill him, but i didn't feel frustrated even after dying for the third time because i knew i could've played it better, this is not the case vs 10 kills duskblade yi. I wish every champion was well designed like that

  7. i loved the old volibear because it was just so fun to run around flipping enemies, got it to mastery 7 playing support (the passive was a godly bait). After the rework tho, ut just doesn't feel nice anymore, the lack of displacements meana that you have to really choose who and when to hold your q for if the enemy team has things like katarina etc

  8. Why not reapply his knock back to his e when he's fully charged with lightning? It doesn't have to do damage, and giving up the Ekko style mind games for some counterplay to dashes and escape would give him a really good counter to champs that want to all in on him.

  9. Voli needs buffs. Not for early game, though. His level 3 is almost unmatched by other melees. But he decays WAY too much, compared to other Juggs. Compare him to Illaoi, Darius, Garen, Mordekaiser (specially this overbuffed boy). Juggs are made to be building damage items while retaining bulkiness. You go for pure damage on Voli's first two items (like other Juggs do) and you get pretty much fucked up. Voli is totally dependant on items to be STRONG even in 1v1s (not to be effective). You build Stridebreaker on him and he gets fucking weak, unlike Sett, Darius…

    I think Voli's mythic should have been Stridebreaker, but he's just too squishy and weak to build it. Voli's base damages are not high after the early game (mid and late game). I think his HP damage scale in his W should be buffed. Also the base damage on later ranks in all of his abilities, except for his Ult (which is pretty high actually (but easily dodgeable). Specially for his passive (it's simply TRASH in the mid/late game, unless you are going for AP). They need to buff its damage in the later levels by a LARGE amount.
    Why? Take a look at Mordekaiser's, Darius', Sett's, Garen's, Illaoi's, Mundo's (specially now after rework), Trundle's… They are all very usefull still in late game. They heal a very good amount or still deal a good amount of damage through ALL the game. Currently it does 60 magic damage at level 18. It's garbage because he has no innate penetration. It should go up to like 100 AT LEAST. if Riot is too afraid…OK…go up to 80 (like Wit's End).

    Voli has one of the BEST scaling numbers. Nice AD scalings…AP…but they DON'T work. He doesn't go well building damage like Mordekaiser or Sett because he's not bulk enough for mid game without Tank items. Then…he go Tank builds, but he CAN'T tank like a Tank or offer disruption like these.

    I hope they will fix it on him and finally decides if he's a Jugg or a Tank. He performs like a Jugg…but is outclassed by the other Juggs (except for Udyr on Mid/Late game). Builds like a Tank and is outclassed by Tanks. That is his problem in short words.

  10. Late to the party and maybe a hot take but i think voli is one of the worst champions. His kit is waay to overloaded and he is not fun to play against.

  11. Strongest build i've discovered for voli was nashors, ionians, one item of bami's cinder, sterak and tank Items like thornmail, deadmans, spirit, things like that. It makes you tanky, fast autoattacking dmg dealer

  12. His new design and emotes honestly just created more toxic players. And the Voli on my either uses his ult to run or engage when entire team is dead and he takes all the kills.

  13. Honestly, as a Riven main not much changed for me. It still is a barely playable farm lane. He feels as stat check as before, now overloaded and with flashy new effects. His turret turn off and passive that allows him to freely poke and push waves and shield with poke ability, the notable ones. Feels like whatever I do, can't out trade him unless he is asleep. If I engage in a dumb way I lose 2/3 hp. If I outplay the trade perfectly, it goes even as his unstoppable windup hits through stun. Maybe it's just a counter but feels like I'm trying to hit a wall.

  14. Alr has anyone seen voli build a rift maker for sustain, nashers for auto speed, horizon for e, and death cap to top it off? The bear already has good hp, armor, and mr growth. So he’s just tanks with rift, sustained dmg from rift while also getting heals off his passive since rift gives Omni-vamp. Then the other items make him like a burst champ. So he’s like a walk time bomb that can’t be killed. So yes I agree the big bear is balanced in all ways


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