Plants vs Zombies Mod but Among Us

Plants vs Zombies Mod but Among Us This Clutch Among Us we are Playing with Ssundee, Sigils, Henwy and Biffle in Among Us Mod Gameplay #Amongus #Gameplay #Mods

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49 thoughts on “Plants vs Zombies Mod but Among Us”

  1. Mod idea: Flower mod so everyone's a flower you have petals you start with one you need to go to the nature areas to get more petals you need to get all of your task done and the max petals and get the items: relive. human pick up (it will pick you up then you can go wherever you want).steal petals you can steal peoples petals and you get them> (Your choice for rest) the items cost petals relive = 2 petals pick up = 4 steal = 3 then the rest are 3 and 5 (max petals are 6) imposter Aka the evil flower they can start a minigame that you need to find the hidden flower pot (its called find the pot 1 person gets to hide it (Imposter picks) 1 tries to find (Imposter picks) how the people die: there's 3 rounds the person who tries to find can pick 3 times each round of the minigame if they don't get it the person who hides gets a point at the end of last round whoever has the most points wins the other die's
    then the imposter can make the nature areas to snow that will give you less petals if you go in it also they can bite off petals from people they will look like a dead flower (Kind of sad) they can only do minigame when not transformed they can also make a fake nature area that resets all your petals to 1 (nature areas will get teleported to a new spot every 30 seconds They can hide in a tree to go invisible they can pick people up from far away (crewmates pick up only works on near people) they can teleport and put people inside a area that they are trapped in until someone frees them (with a key if they are in too long they die) they can do the normal kill that shows the petal going into a pile of snow falling from the sky then the body will be a pile of snow about 10-15 inch's tall
    Last thing = your choice 🙂 Free to make change's Hope you like it!

  2. Mod Idea: Sonic.exe, The Imposter is trying to get to the real world, and the crewmate have to escape, so they can lock him in his game forever. rings are the life for crewmates, if a crewmate has 0 rings, they will die. The Imposter can slow time so crewmates walk slowly. The imposter can jumpscare, which will make crewmates lose 5 rings. The imposter can make black holes, crewmates will to lose 19 rings I'd they get sucked up.
    The imposter can activate a minigame , the Crewmate has to race and avoid as a Giant Sonic.exe on the center, throws objects such as heads, arms, and legs at the crewmates, if the crewmates get hit, they will be unable to move, the crewmate that finishes in last place dies, but theres a 50/50 chance they will be spared, but if the imposter finishes in last place, they will always be spared.

  3. 🙁 u make mod for among us but this one i make pvz not fun u need permision if ur coping game other ways the creator of the game u copy want u tu pay ur fraind and u will pay for the game creator that u copy

  4. i suggest when u have enough sun,u should make 2 collumn of watermelon,1 collumn of cob cannon and spam starfruit (make another 1 collumn of cactus and defend them with the army of wallnuts if u want(hope others expect Ssundee dont see this))

  5. The bad thing is they move thier fast speed meaning the peas dealt less, the good thing is if the mod have a plant choosing
    Strongest: Winter Pult's Melon bc not only they deal massive damage, they have frozing
    Weakest: Kernel Pult's kernels bc the damage is light, but thats not all bc they have butter that stuns with normal
    Starfruit: Stars are the same damage as peas
    Cactus: Deals x4 damage than the pea


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