Potential Costume Ideas for Genshin Impact Characters

A short discussion of potential costumes for Genshin Impact characters inspired by official material!

Intro: 0:00
Manga Inspired: 0:30
Collaboration Inspired: 2:36
Teaser/Art Inspired: 3:33
Implementation Discussion: 4:11
Closing: 5:16
#Genshin #GenshinImpact


30 thoughts on “Potential Costume Ideas for Genshin Impact Characters”

  1. I think they should take the Destiny 2 approach of it and make it a cash shop similar to Eververse, like you can buy the costumes, emotes and others for either Primogems Crystals (Real Money)

  2. … So you want my already suffering wallet to suffer even more? You son of a b!tch, i'm in!

    Jokes aside, it could really be a cool implementation if it's a direct purchase system. Could give a bit more personality to the already pretty different characters (Even Aether and Lumine, both considered Mcs are quite different from each other in term of physic). Especially the Archons gods- I don't have any of them FUUUU- and the starting characters.
    And damn, Diluc looking fine with that ponytail. Childe and his alternate black costume would make me play him more.

    And once again, love the content. Thank you for your work.

  3. Hey with the bump up to 200m for ongoing development in genshin it would be a solid time to put some resources into costumes. I think Lantern Festival and Ludi Harpastum would be a good place to start as you shown there are already some artistic design already made to inspire costume design.


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