Proof that League of Legends is PAY TO WIN

Just buy this nice skin for 3000+ RP and enjoy the new mechanic 🙂
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➤ Music: Morning Mood by Grieg


45 thoughts on “Proof that League of Legends is PAY TO WIN”

  1. That's not a PTW issue. That's a crap bug issue. Along with all the other bugs Riot needs to fix. Like, the Lee Sin "I got hit by Karma's ult from across the map" or "Leashed by Thresh from across the map because my hit box teleports randomly" bug.

  2. some ppl are here probably never tried to write any piece of code,
    you have a game, thats 10 YEARS OLD,
    probably 100s of THOUSANDS or MILLIONS of lines of code
    and they are like: "ememeeee riot is sooo shiiiiiiit, cant fix theeeeeseeee"
    have you ever tried to find a fucking bug in even a 3000 line code? its a fucking pain.(speaking from experience)
    imagine how many bugs are unnoticed atm.

    [this one is kinda easy to fix tho, just make the cc stop the animation like it stops emotes]
    but you got the point..

  3. Try spending RP before TFT match, you will get ALL the luck.
    Definitelly not in the RNG algorithm to give advantage to the big spenders 🙂
    They even bought the rights to use that coding algorithm in microtransactions years back.


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