PS5 Controller "Drift" Exposed by iFixit…

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34 thoughts on “PS5 Controller "Drift" Exposed by iFixit…”

  1. this the exact same joystick from the ps4 that has always had this issue,so why they decided to use the same thing ill never understand,,al,ost like it was done intentionally because buying a new controller is big business for the company

  2. I’ve experienced Drift, it just started recently within the last two weeks. I got my PS5 two weeks after launch and I work from home 95% of the time due to covid so I’ve been gaming ALOT!! Last week I noticed the drift while playing COD: Warzone. Add me if you want gamers! PSN/Twitch: SgtL1ncolnOs1r1s

  3. I wish I didn’t have to pay for the vibration, haptic feedback, and all of that other junk I don’t want. $100 to replace a controller that breaks in a few months is a joke.

  4. I play 4 to 5 hours of fps multiplayer games a day. Dual sense would have lost all it's senses in the first month with me. So I chose series X this time. If they are playing safe with hardware then my money is safe too.

  5. Oh….it gets worse last month my left stick was drifting., just yesterday my right started to do the same. But the left stick was getting worse to the point I had to switch my PS4 controller. Unacceptable SONY.

  6. the contacts on the potentiometers that worn out too easily. I have the same drifting issue on Nintendo switch joycons but I replaced the joysticks myself easily, no soldering needed. Fixing PS 5 Controllers may need soldering work.

  7. I had this happen on the green and white ps4 controller…it worked good for abt a month. Then the left stick always wanted to go up, which is the cam control. Made games pure hell…had it happen on another one too, but got years of good life out of it. No complaints there


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