PS5 SSD Update Release Date With Higher Cooling | Horizon PS5 Delayed? | PS Plus March PS5 Games

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PS5 SSD Update Release Date With Higher Cooling | Horizon Forbidden West PS5 Delayed? | PS Plus March PS5 Games | Kena PS5 Price

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34 thoughts on “PS5 SSD Update Release Date With Higher Cooling | Horizon PS5 Delayed? | PS Plus March PS5 Games”

  1. A lot of people is sleeping on DeathLoop…..but not me. I can't wait to play this game. Shout out to you Marlon for the awesome content and welcome back to H-Town. 💯 Get Hype

  2. The Pokémon presentation today was way better over State of Play we got Remake on New Pokémon called Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl and Pokémon Legend arceus we got something similar like Breath of The Wild Gameplay beautiful

  3. I agree what people say that the PS5 should have been delayed even though i hate delays. Also one of the things i hate most about the PS5 so far is that backing up PS5 Game Saves is behind the PS Plus paywall which means that i can't back up my PS5 game saves with my USB flash drive which is a crappy decision by Sony to put that behind a paywall. I refuse to again renew my PS Plus subscription as long as they continue charging people to play online. I haven't renewed my PS Plus subscription since August 2016.

  4. Build a PC or save up to build one in the future. Channels like these can't see the future, consoles not the future. We play games not specs which is why so many people that are pc gamers don't own high end rigs. Requirements to play a ps exclusive pc port isn't ridiculous, go see on steam. Fanboys are going to be drastically cut down in the future.

  5. Negative not awesome on the ssd. It’s misleading from Sony to highlight a feature that you can’t even use. If you are going to market something with a feature that you have been highlighting as one of your top features and it isn’t working due to heating issues, then there is a problem. This system is plagued with a number of problems. I can almost bet that when that feature is enabled then problems with the fan or the system itself will arise.

  6. In my opinion I think that horizon forbidden West is ready to go and fully functional with minimal bugs. I'm sure Sony will release it if there is An uproar on social media. I feel that they are just waiting for a bigger install base before such a launch.


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