PS5 vs XBOX SERIES X – The DIVISION 2 Runs BEST on XBOX (Buggy PS5 Next Gen Update)

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PS5 vs XBOX SERIES X – The DIVISION 2 Runs BEST on XBOX (Buggy PS5 Next Gen Update)


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14 thoughts on “PS5 vs XBOX SERIES X – The DIVISION 2 Runs BEST on XBOX (Buggy PS5 Next Gen Update)”

  1. PS5 Destroyed again. MArK CeRNy is a genius. Also Sony is selling at a loss with PS5, even more icing on the cake. Imagine buying a PS5 for $1500 off ebay lol.
    Simple maths 52Cu's are better then 36cu's overclocked.

  2. I dont see why past problems with other back-compat ubsisoft games are a poosible reason for this wierd behavoir, division and AC are made on diffrent engines and from diffrent dev. teams. I see it as a simple bug that has been looked over because they needed to ship that patch – an oversight issue i'd say.

  3. It'd be interesting to know why the PS5 is missing features and running at a lower resolution. People have dropped hard cash on this machine, and it's failing them. I watched the DF video, and if I had a PS5, I'd be annoyed. I've been playing Division 2 on the Series S, and it looks and plays fantastic.

  4. Your cornball videos are pathetic. You know why Xbox can't compete with PS. Check out that new God Of War patch and feast your eyes on that. Until Xbox can produce something like that then your cornball videos will have real value.

  5. Plume POWER MATTERS🤨!! Bro your subconsciously perpetuating Sony fanboy talking points😑. Power does matter this is the reason why the Seres X is running 4K60 with all of the effects turned on and the PS5 can't keep up with the same. Its been countless examples of this power difference and multiple games including on the PS4 pro and the xbox one X so saying power doesn't matter is a stupid thing to say because it's pretty obvious it does matter. Yes I get it there is a obvious bug on the PS5 version but that doesn't mean that power doesn't make a difference between the two consoles.


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